〰️Chapter 1〰️

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Dear Little Leona,

I am so sorry I couldn't come to see you start on this new adventure. Your Father and I had to go check up on a small town in Eleazar where a famine was arising. Thankfully, your father had found a solution and had decided to take action with me. We won't be back till a while, In my Heart I hope with all my blessings that you work hard at the Academy and by God's grace when you return we will have an unforgettable family dinner. Make sure to smile when you see cameras and study hard. Remember your lessons taught by me. Do act like a lady always smiling no matter the situation.Control your emotions. Speak with Elegance. Do not be frighten easily. Do not show a weakness my child.  Any questions, send me a letter with the help of your young little maid Rachel.


Your mother

I sighed and folded the letter and placed it on my brown desk. Shaking my head, I ran my hair through my brown hair. Mother was always busy as queen and didn't even prepare time for me, Her youngest daughter. I had tried to not be mad at her, yet it's too much. I knew her duties and I knew my place. But really, was it her children first or her kingdom?

I knew in my gut , it was her kingdom.

Father was no better than Mother. At least Mother had us on her mind. Father wouldn't bother spending time with us. Maybe to him, my older sisters and I were just the princesses of Eleazar. He'd spend as much time with our brothers as he could have. It was only because they were males, they were the heirs.... My sisters and I weren't worthy to possess the throne because of our gender. 

"Let me not think about this for now "  I thought. 

Today was the day of my departure and I had say goodbye to Eleazar. I had to look my best and say my last words to the people whom I hardly knew.

I felt shut out of the world most of the time. Everyday all I knew was to face my books and to learn etiquette.

Thanks to God, I was allowed to take two lady-in-waiting. However I personally chose Rachel as my only lady-in-waiting. Rachel was 13 but don't judge her age. She is strong. You could already see the lady muscles she had at such a young age. Mother once told me that as we grew Rachel could just be my bodyguard and I just nodded. That's all I could ever do. Agree with the Queen.

Rachel was a black haired, hazel eyed girl. Her hair was always straight but put in a ponytail due to her continual sword-fighting practice. She had once told me when we were 6 that she would become the greatest female Knight and teach Fredrick a lesson for calling her weak just because she was a girl. 

Fredrick was my 3rd brother who was now 14. He use to play with Rachel and I when we were once young but now he doesn't. I heard from one of his male servants that Father had now placed royal duties on his neck. He had medium-length curled brown hair and brown eyes just like me. But we didn't look like twins at all. His features were different. He had a sharp jaw already and he had a so called....Adam's apple. Rachel told me, she was smart and so I believed her. 

"My lady" A soft voice called from behind me and I snapped back to my little reality. I was so scared like I'd been caught doing something.....unforgivable.

" Uh.. yes" I said looking straight ahead and remembering the things I'd been taught by my etiquette teacher....Mrs. Ruffle.

" We're ready to go" Rachel said smiling at me. I looked across her arm where I saw a big luggage behind her. I knew it was her items. Father had given Rachel's mother a deal. If Rachel would guard and protect me, then Rachel would receive a full-on education at the number 1 best Academy for royals for free even with her low status. Of course, no mother would refuse this deal and so Rachel was able to go on this journey with me. At least, I won't be all lonely.

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