Chapter 12

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The living room of jungkook's House was silence, a humming voice of someone was coming from kitchen.

Jungkook entered in his house with so many thoughts in his mind and pouty lips. He was mumbling something under his breath or more like asking questions to himself.

"why does he always makes me blush like that and kissed me everytime. I k iw he says that he love me but still and why kissed him back? It's not like I live him too or something, but I do like him but-argh, OW!!"

He was so on himself that he didn't noticed a stool in front of him. When he entered, he removed his shoes, still talking to himself with a frown, then his toe hit with stool and he screamed so loudly that his jin hyung came running from kitchen.

" kookie! What happened? Baby" he asked as he crunch down in front of younger.

"Hyungie! Aaa-uhh! Who keep this bloody stool in centre. Aaahh"

He wined as he hold his toe in his hand and begins to blow air on it.

"oh my god, I'm so sorry baby. It's because of me, let me see, Ohh mi god I'm sorryy, I shouldn't be so careless, Ohh God"

His jin hyung started rambling as tears pooled in his eyes seeing younger like that.

Jungkook didn't like seeing his hyung teary eyes as he held his hand and told him to not worry.

"it's ok Hyungie, it's not your fault, I should have been careful though. Please don't cry okay"

He said as he looked down at his bloody toe.

"let me see baby"

His jin hyung said as he removed jungkook's hand from his toe and he gasped as he saw ut was bleeding.

"Ohh God, its bleeding, oh mi god jungoo I'm so sorry baby hyung is sorry, let me treat it okay, don't worry it will be okay, I'm sorry"

He again started rambling as he went to kitchen and took first aid box. Jungkook couldn't help but giggled seeing his hyung so freak out.

He hissed loudly when the ointment touch his toe, a tear slipped down from Jin's eyes, he loves jungkook with his dear life and seeing him in this pain just couldn't help his motherness for the younger.

He always treats him delicately, jungkook barely got hurt in his childhood after his adoption. Jin and namjoon always took good care of him,always made sure that everything is set up on their places so lil jungkookie didn't get hurt but today he forgot to jeep that stool on side and.. Nevermind.

He wrapped his toe in bandage and ruffle his hair and hugged him tightly and kissed his head. And apologize so many times.

Jungkook smile softly seeing his hyung so caring about him and its makes him feel sick from his stomach, that he didn't tell his hyung about Taehyung.

Teahyung, yea! He is fucking angry at him. At first, when they kissed at the roof top and then Taehyung gave him roses and then told him to wait for him after school as they were about to going home together.

So as jungkook was waiting for him he was thinking that why he always obeyed Taehyung? Is he afraid of him or what? As he was busy in his thoughts he saw that Taehyung was coming towards him but he was not alone there was a girl with him.

He frown at that but his frown depend when he saw that they both were laughing with each other.

He didn't like it though, the elder was laughing with someone else and here he is waiting for him.
He didn't like that, he want Taehyung to laugh with him only, he wants his attention now and he wants Taehyung to give him all the attention not some stupid girls.

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