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When they went to get ⏃ cart quackity went running to one and hopped in it. Q: look bitch I'm cool I'm in ⏃ cart ^^ Wilbur went running chasing him as he know what quackity would do. W: stop fucking running away- Quackity fell asleep in it. W: QUACKITY WAKE UPPP Q: WHAT?! W: you need to get out of the cart- Q: why :( W: cause we need ⏃ lot of shopping Q: fineee quackity got out of the cart and put his head on Wilbur's chest. W: it's only shopping quackity Q: you mean tortureeeeee Wilbur started laughing while quackity was digging his head Into Wilbur's chest. Q: we could of have being in bed having sex but we're at the fucking shops. W: wait you never said that we were gonna have sex?! Let's do it when we get home~ Q: I wish but I'm going to hang out George ^^ W: I guess I'll hang out with dream then.. Q: let's just get the shopping then we can go and meet up with them! W: okay! They both went to get food but Wilbur didn't know quackity went to ⏃ diffrent isle. W: hey quackity what chips you want? Quackity?. He looked and saw quackity wasn't there and got worried. He looked around trying to find quackity and found him looking at clothes. W: oh god i thought I lost you- Q: Wilbur can I get some clothes?. Do you have money on you? Q: i-I dont it's d-dosnt matter!.. W: babe I was joking I'll buy them for you! Q: thank you! W: no problem :) when Quackity was picking out the clothes he want he saw a really nice beanie but cost ⏃ lot. Q: wilbur can you get some butter I remember I needed it! W: babe I know for ⏃ fact ur lying u want the beanie don't you?- Q: what nooooo W: let me see how much it is. W: £54.40?! I would of said yes but this is ⏃ lot of money?! Q: it's fine I'll come back with George and get it later! With my money of corse ^^ Quackity saw Wilbur's phone and saw someone sending him Snapchat's.. Q: wilbur can i use your phone? W: sure why? Q: so I can message George! W: uh huh you just want to check who messaging me? Q: I'm just curious.. W: sure you can check it any time but I wanna see how is messaging me aswell- Q: it's ⏃ girl called Amanda? W: oh can you tell her to stop messaging me? She keeps sending me nudes.. Q: why didn't you tell me?! W: I didn't want you to worry but don't worry I blocked her but she keeps making accounts- Q: I can make you an new account so she dosnt find it? W: sure! While Quackity was making an account Wilbur saw gogy W: AYE GOGY! G: AYE QUACKITY WAS SUPPOSED TO MEET UP WITH ME?! W:you can talk to him after our shopping for fuck sake- Q: hi gogy! Gogy took Quackitys hand and ran off with him Q: WILBURRRRR- G: I'll bring your boyfriend back in ⏃ couple of hours dream is waiting for you wilbur :) W: ugh fineeee D: hii Wilbur where were you? W: I went shopping with Quackity but gogy just ran off with him- they saw gogy chasing Quackity. Quackity ran to his boyfriend hiding. W: what happend -_- Q: hEs TrYinG tO BuY mE a BlAcK sKiRttTtTtTt W: GOGY HES HERE! Q: YOU DICKHEAD D: just put on the god damn skirt- G: PLEASE QUACKITY Q: aslong Jared is here ;) Quackity ran with George before Wilbur went after him. W: I swear he better not go near a Jared.. let's go spy on them? W: Alr- they went spying on them and saw one of the workers getting them in trouble. Worker: you guys are acting like 5 year olds!! Q: cause we fucking areeeee Worker: I'm not dealing with This shit.. the worker went so Quackity and George went to the clothes to find there boyfriends. Q: where did they go? G: I think they left. When really they were spying- Q: i swear if Wilbur left he's not getting fucked. G: srsly Q: you can't say much you fuck dream 24/7 Wilbur and dream started laughing and Quackity saw them but George didn't. Q: there over there pretend were in ⏃ fight fo prank them he whispered to George. G: okay! Q: ITS UR FAULT YOU GOT US CAUGHT! G: HOW WAS IT YOU BITCH YOU WERE THE ONE MESSING ABOUT. Q: NO IT WAS YOU! George faked slapped Quackity and Quackity faked cried. G: STOP CRYING FOR FUCK SAKE. W: can I murder gogy?.. D: don't you dare.. Quackity went running to the toilets fake crying. W: GOGY YOU PIECE OF SHIT. Gogy ran away to find Quackity when he found him they both started laughing but then gogy was hiding as Wilbur was getting closer to finding Quackity W: Oh my god baby are you okay?!.. Wilbur started crying and hugged him tightly. Quackity started laughing. W: what's so funny? Q: wilbur it's ⏃ prank PFTTT Quackity was wheezing so was gogy. W: I hate you. Q: aww I love you to < 3 Wilbur started smiling and carried Quackity on his shoulder. Q: wilbur were In ⏃ shop let me down! W: nope. George kept laughing while videoing it. Q: please wilburrrr! W: fineee. Wilbur put Quackity down and smiled at him. W: you can go hang out with gogy now I'm gonna finish shopppjng with dream! Q: okay bye! W: bye :) G: WE NEED TO CHECK OUT THAT BOY! Q: what boy? G: HIM! W: who are you guys looking at?.. G: this really hot guy.. W: I'm telling dreammm G: OH WAIT DONT SORRY George went up to Wilbur hugging him. Quackity felt jealous. Wilbur looked at Quackity seeing how jealous he is. I think Quackity is jealous.. Wilbur whispered into gogys ear. G: OH QUACKITY I DIDNT MEAN TO MAKE YOU JEALOUS SORRY! George ran up to Quackity and kissed his cheek Q: I-it's fine- of corse Wilbur didn't mind George kissing Quackitys cheek as there besties. G: anyway let's go see the guy! Q: okay! Wilbur went to dream and told how they were going to look at ⏃ hot guy.....

Word count: 1065

Enemies to lovers~~ // quackbur//Where stories live. Discover now