Chapter 29 Flames

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As Gokudera opened his eyes, he saw that he was on the ground. That's right, suddenly the shades got stronger and he was knocked out. When looked around, he saw Yamamoto, Ryohei, and even Hibari in the same condition.

"I.....I can't stop here. How can I call myself a right-hand man of the Boss, if I fall here. I'm not d-"

As Gokudera looked ahead, a sense of dread filled his being. Right in front of his very eyes, the shades were working together to destroy Fairy Tail's guild hall. The very place Homura trusted him to protect was about to be reduced to rubble. As if that wasn't enough, he saw the members of the guild getting defeated one after another.

 As if that wasn't enough, he saw the members of the guild getting defeated one after another

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"I'm sorry......i'm sorry......I was too weak to protect it....please forgive me, Boss!!!!!"

"Stop being so pathetic!"

As Gokudera heard this, he felt someone kick his head. When he turned around, he saw the one responsible. Soon Gokudera called out to the culprit in a weak voice.




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" you feel like you've failed?"


"Remember, the Boss has faith in you to protect the guild. However, the guild is just like Vongola. It's not the building that needs protecting. Remember the type of person Homura is."

As Reborn said this, Gokudera began to think. Homura isn't the type to care about the building's state. No, he'd be more concerned on the members of the guild. He may be the boss, but he was still a kind-hearted person. As Gokudera was struggling to get up, Reborn shook his head.

"The fact you understand is more than enough. While he'd want his friends to be safe, he wouldn't want them to injure themselves for his sake. So right now.....have faith in the one you acknowledge as the boss."

As Reborn said this, he looked towards the headquarters of Phantom Lord. When he did, he could already tell what was going on. Homura is fighting his hardest. Soon Reborn thought to himself silently.

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