Fixing His Problems.

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"fixing his problems"
Requested by gummybee
Also happy Birthday!!

Y/N is reincarnated into Emotionless Body

Y/N Had awoken In a Room Filled with Brightness and Light They Blinked a couple of times letting their eye adjust to the Brightness of the Room

Y/N looked around Trying to Figure why they're Here. Suddenly They Had a flashback which came with Them Having a Painful headache


Y/N was Through everything they saw almost everything  From Civilians Being Killed by day operatives To Events That forced civilians to dance or they'll be shooted Heard Many Rumours about the Supreme Leader Being infected.

Y/N Was Killed By The Chancellor. Which was Operative Emotionless_Day Y/N Tried to get away from the Crowd that The Operative was shooting for no reason But
Y/N Got caught up by a gunshot Hiring their  Knee making them Fall to the ground unable To walk.Y/N Was losing blood Quickly They Couldn't walk or run they Began to Cry for help no civilians wanted to help they were also afraid of being shooten

Y/N's Vision was blurry they were flipped over by a person as a gun Was hold to their neck Y/N Held onto the gun Trying to push it away but failed They couldn't Even Tell who the person is All they see was the person were wearing something green.

Y/N Was shoot in the neck as they immediately died Emotionless day Had no expression And Stomp and Crushed Y/N's Skull into Pieces. As he walked. Away from the scene of many dead bodies.

**flash back go stop!**

Y/N Clenched their Fist to their chest.
They didn't wanna die yet but their life ended so Quickly I guess their after death sentence is just a void of Brightness with no end

Y/N Had sat down the floor was non was all just white A Black figure Walked up Towards Y/N They Had Cyan Glowing eyes A White Fedora

They Sat Infront of Y/N. y/n didn't seem to mind and stared back

The figure smiled and said "You Look Rather dull. That's Good Because I'll be Reincarnating You Into another person's Body!" The figure Flayed their arms in the air like a happy child

Y/N Was listening and asked
"who's body am I going to be Reincarnated into to?" They didn't like the idea of being reincarnated But it's better than sitting in a room of white Nothing but emptiness

The figure tilted their head at Y/N
"Day Operative Emotionless_Day's Body Duh! Your going to be fixing their Mistakes Have fun!"
The figure drew a circle Infront of Y/N

Before y/n could say Anything they were zapped out of the room

Y/N's Vision Was Turning normal Everything around them was black a few day operatives were also there Y/n say placid laughing and though 'That isn't very placid of them to do.'

Y/N Heard Crying nosies and whimpers from a figure they looked their head back to where the sound came from

Y/N Recognizes them Due to Their Rank in the Days Union They're the Governor
Y/n thought again

'Why is the Governor Crying? where am I? did emotionless had to do something with this?'

Y/N Took a Step forward and Placed a hand on The Governor's Shoulder wanting to calm them down but Their hand was slapped away

"Don't touch me You Vile Vicious Monster."
The Governor Spoken In Heavy Deep Words

Y/N held their hand that was slapped
They forgotten that they were in Emotionless_Day's Body They had to fix emotionless problems

Y/N Sighed and said
"I'm sorry for what I Have Done I didn't mean it i–”

The governor Cut them off
“SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP SHUT UP What Your Saying is a lie All a lie a lie a lie.
Your not sorry at all."

Y/N Had No Choice But to Attack hug them as tightly as they can
"Emotionless is Gone I'm Not them But I'm fixing the Problems they made shhh shh "
Y/N Had hugged the governor even though their voice was Emotionless_Day's Voice

The governor Looked up at Y/N
"If your Not That Vile monster who are you?"

Y/n Didn't expect being Questioned that but answered
"I used to be an alive civilian myself I watch everything went down. I was killed by The Person I am right now"

Governor felt safer
"Ah yes yes yes Your a civilian But they Are supposed to feel pain"

Y/N didn't say anything but kept hugging them and Hearing all the Cries the governor Whimpered and Cried For

The Acolyte Went back into the shadow's so did every old operative aswell

Y/N and gov hugged until Gov felt better.


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