A man throws his sadness in the river but then he's still left with the river.

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(Idk, messily and rushed emotional hurt/comfort, that is all, also I plan to come back to tumblr but I haven't used it in yonks and am scared it's dead lol)

It was nights like this when Bob couldn't run from his thoughts; How he knew that it was still evil to love George and guilt bubbled in his stomach, both of their careers could crumble if they were found out by the wrong person, it was already his fault that the band found out, luckily they didn't mind but it could've went so wrong.

He shifted closer to George who was asleep yet still radiating warmth and comfort which is what Bob needed, needed anything to distract him from the tears glossing his eyes and the sobs in his chest, craving to escape his throat. It didn't work, nothing could stop the tears falling as a sob pierced through the silent night air.

Bob covered his mouth, muffling the noises erupting from him trying to not wake anyone but also trying to hide, hide from his boyfriend who was now tossing a little in his sleep, Bob bit down on his lip and clenched his eyes shut, internally begging that he'd somehow be anywhere else.

When he opened his eyes he found George's brown ones peering at him, his eyes looked tired and confused and concerned.

"sorry" Bob spoke quietly in his hoarse, the air around them suddenly feeling heavy and uncomfortable, George's eyes burned judgement into him, Bob rubbed his eyes trying to mask his vulnerableness , he hated when people could see him and not the façade, he didn't know what it had become but it was better than being himself.  

George moved so he was sitting up next to Bob, gently tugging on the lamp on the nightstand covering the room in a yellow tint, his eyes only showing worry for the smaller man.

"What's wrong?" George's voice sounded concerned and scared, Bob just felt worse, started crying again but still trying to stay near George, who enveloped the man in a hug, smiled slightly as he felt him move into the hug.

"'m sorry love you" Bob mumbled against George who just held him there, combing his fingers through Bob's curls as the man start to fall tired.

"It's okay darlin' I love you to" George pressed a kiss to the top of Bob's head as he felt him slump against him, tiredness catching up to him.

They fell asleep, holding onto each other, the future was put out of Bob's mind as he focused on now, with George.

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