Chapter 1

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It is strange how often a heart must be broken before the years can make it wise...


11 Jan 2019; 10.03pm





Thousands of ARMY cheered aloud as they just finished singing their last song, Mikrokosmos. They let their eyes wander through the vast stretch of purple ocean which lay before them.

This is their life.. amidst music and ARMYS- A life which they never wanted to take a break from.

After taking in the scene in front of them, which was no less than a beautiful scenery itself, one by one started giving their short yet heart-touching speeches.

Starting with the leader himself, followed by their maknae, and then the cute yet savage Sugar baby, the Sunshine of this whole fandom, the mysterious yet charming Gucci guy, the hyung of all the others yet the maknae of the three maknaes, Jin and the last but definitely not the least was the cutest among all- Jimin.

The cheers of ARMYS died down as everyone silently yet intently focused their eyesight on the huge screen instead of the man himself.

Strange, isn't it?

Jimin, however, kept smiling as he raised his hands up in the air forming different signs with his adorable short fingers. Keeping rhythm with his hands was a translator, who translated the meaning of the signs he made.

After getting his complete speech, the once silent crowd immediately broke out into an even more loud cheer, bestowing all their love and an infinite amount of admiration that they had for the singer.

Or to be precise.. an ex-singer?

That's true.

Park Jimin, once used to be an amazing singer. His soft and soothing voice, right from the start of his career, never failed to charm a single soul ever- he was that heartfelt singer, his voice that passionate who stirred everyone from the depths of their hearts, making his audience yearn for more of his dulcet voice.

But life is not that easy, is it? It keeps on throwing new challenges towards you, tries to test your patience and perseverance level, tries to weaken you in each and every way possible.

And it was definitely not giving him the best of his moments in the year 2016.

In fact, life stole one of the most precious things that he was so proud of to present before the whole world.

His voice.....

Yes. As bitter as it may sound, the singer no longer had his melodious, honey-rich voice after a certain incident. Despite several therapies he went through, even the world's best off doctors too couldn't bring that one thing back to his life.

Initially, Jimin had been very, very depressed. His chocolate orbs which twinkled every now and then, which disappeared for every smile he produced, lost the colour and shine from them- they became lifeless.

It was as if his whole bubbly, exuberant attitude got sucked out from his body completely. He no longer showed his eye-smile, let alone talk with his band members. For a moment it felt as if he had given up on life but his brothers can't let that happen with him, can they?

So, if not his voice, but at least they tried to get Jimin to his cheery self back again- that's the least they could do.

And their efforts, surprisingly, didn't get marred off too.

Jimin started to accept the reality and move on. His whole team, his family alongwith his fans started to learn the hand gestures for the boy. And he couldn't get any more elated!

But if Jimin was mute.. then he could've been easily thrown out of his company.

Why the heck would they need a singer who didn't even have his voice anymore? That would just mean a literal downfall in their profit. But still, his manager didn't for once ask him to leave the company.

Because though Jimin may have lost his voice, that certainly doesn't mean he had lost all his charms.

Jimin is a great dancer too!

He is the dancer of hearts. He may not be able to express his feelings through his voice for which he uses his smooth, precise movements as an alternative.

It may strike you impossible but for Jimin, it's the only way possible to open his heart like a book and for his fans to flutter through the pages of his heart and read what was engraved on it for them.

Surprisingly enough, his fans never failed to get what message Jimin has for them in each and every dance he dances. It seems like when others start getting tired bit by bit after each of their performances, that was however not the case for Jimin.

He wants to express himself more and more and wants his audience to find his lost self and hear those unheard words, now sunk deep beneath his heart, which he always wanted to speak.

Life had indeed not at all been fair for his case.

Jungkook let out his bunny smile and side hugged Jimin as all others cooed and teased him. Jimin simply laughed. But this happy moment was short-lived as it immediately halted just as the boys heard an ear-piercing scream from somewhere near to where Jimin was standing.

Jimin's smile faded at an instant when he located the source of the painful scream.

He saw someone falling down and maybe he was definitely out of his mind because his legs immediately broke out into a run towards that direction.

He should have stopped. But his legs refused to. And there he jumped into the crowd.

He was definitely out of his mind.....

Because those weren't ARMYS first of all....

They were those obsessive Saesang fans.


Heyy Smooches!! Welcome to the first chapter of 'If I Could Tell You'. I had been planning to write this story for a long time but didn't really get a chance 😅

Exams suck, don't they?!🙃

Don't hesitate to dm me☺❤ I love to interact and make new frnds

Enjoy! 🤗

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