Sogni Vespa

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Sounds of a vespa could be heard from the distance. A red vespa came into view, the red paint shining in the sunlight, a boy riding it with his girlfriend on the back. He fidgets with his sunglasses, his other hand on the handle of his scooter. Once he finished doing that, he continued driving his vespa, He giving a big smile to people in town square minding their own business, knowing that people were looking at him and enjoying his presence. Well, except for the adults. He stopped by a local gelato store, putting his scooter in park mode before he went to go sit down on the chair, using his leg to pull out a chair, moving it towards him as he offered Vittoria to sit there. " venire!" he said, motioning his hand for her to sit on the chair he pulled out. Vittoria sat down on the chair, kicking her legs as she rested her arms on the headrest of the woven chair, closing her eyes as she tilted her head, feeling the fresh wind and the sunlight on her tan face, eventually Ciccio and Guido showed up, Ercole standing from his seat " finalmente!" he snapped, Vittoria waking up from the abrupt cry from Ercole, seeing his peonies standing there like military men in the navy. The bigger blonde one, Ciccio saluted as he was ready to do his dirty work.

Guido and Ciccio turned to see Vitt on the chair, waving with excitement. They seemed to favor her more than Ercole, and it shows. Ercole was getting agitated, and exclaimed " idioti! stop looking at her and go get me my sandwich! ADESSO!" he snapped his fingers, the boys running to the sandwich store to get a panini. A couple minutes later, Ciccio and Guido returned the painini, handing it to Ercole as he grabbed it " eccolo!" he said, stroking the baked bread with parvalone cheese, and meat, and chuckles before he eats it, his cronies enjoying seeing him eat his sandwich, he took another bite, before he spit out something that wasn't supposed to be in there. " cosa c'e in questo?!" he snapped, throwing the sandwich at guido, the meat and cheese overlaying guido. He's always the target of Ercoles abuse, sighing. He's used to this. " get me another one! subito!" he exclaimed, Ciccio and guido nodding, they walk back to the sandwich store.

The boys come back with a new sandwich, offering it to Ercole who was elated. " finalmente!" he exclaimed, biting into it as he sat down, He looking at Vittoria before tearing a piece of the sandwich off, giving her a big chunk of the cheese and meat sandwich to her. She bites into it, and licks her lips in delight. " thats delicious!" she exclaimed, taking another bite as ercole watched her, eating more of the sandwich as Ciccio and Guido they were happy and sighed in relief that they made Ercole happy. Once they finished eating, they stayed at the chairs and sat down for a bit, two little girls coming over to Vittoria, tapping her shoulder. " signora!" said the sqeuaky little voice from behind her. The girl turned around, and they were getting giddy. " can we have an autograph. " atuografo por favore?" said the smaller one, Vittoria smiling in delight as she grabbed the pieces of paper from the kids, signing her name before returning the paper to the kids. Ercole preened himself, adjusting his magenta colored sweater on his shoulders. " me too! I'm open for autographs."he said, standing from his seat as he opened his arms, lifting his head thinking people are looking at him. The little girls were confused, and looked at eachother before they gave their papers to Ercole, he signing the papers. "now, run along, piccolettos.." he said, shooing them off as they giggled and ran off.

Vittoria stood up, and brushed ercoles shoulders. " ohh...~ youre so sweet to kids Ercole." she fawned, rubbing his shoulders as he chuckled. " I know, they love me! all of them love me!" he said, adjusting his magenta sweater. Vittoria nodded, and looked around, and saw noone was looking at him " yeah,, they do love you! No one in their right minds would object otherwise." she said. She encourages this behavior. He cleared his throat, and snapped his fingers. " Ciccio, Guido! you can go now.. I wanna spend some time with my piccolina!" he said fervantly, watching his cronies walk off. Ercole turned his back to the boys, and his eyes were now all on Vittoria. He loved looking at her, and could do it all day.

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