Whats going on, N?

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"YAWN!!!!!! N? Is that you?" Autumn asked. "Yes doll, it is I, N!!!" N told her. Ash and Brock woke up hearing N. "N!!!!! What are you doing here? And who is your friend there???" Ash yelled at N. "My name is Essentia twerp, brat, whatever you are!" Essentia told Ash. While Ash and Essentia were yelling at each other, N knew he had to tell his love, Autumn what he was doing at their camp. N explained everything. "But why are you doing this to me? I thought you loved me!" Autumn yelled at N. This made Ash and Essentia stop yelling at each other and it made Brock stare blankly at Autumn. "I thought that was our secret!!!" N whispered harshly at Autumn. "I thought you and N hated each other!" Ash said. Autumn and N helped each other explain their whole relationship to the others. Even Pikachu was surprised! But there was one thing that they left out.

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