Chapter 36

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Laurens POV

We had gotten up at four in the morning and I was on the verge of killing Y/N for waking me up so early. Our flight didn't leave until seven and we only live twenty minutes away from the airport but I understand the excitement after all it was our honeymoon. Y/N and Chris had picked the place all on their own. Chris said that I would really enjoy it. I was honestly so excited and was ready to go to this mysterious place that no one cares to tell me about.

We were now sitting in the airport waiting for us to board our plane. "I'm really happy that everything is going perfectly and I'm really happy that I have you by my side." Y/N smiled and caressed my cheek with her free hand. "We're going to have the best honeymoon ever." I rested my head on her shoulder and intertwined my fingers with hers. When we were ready to board the plane, we walked up to the women checking the tickets and gave her ours. When everything was checked we walked in the plane and sat in our seats.

The plane ride was about an hour and thirty minutes, in all honest I thought that the air trip would be longer. We got off the plane and went through the airport to get our bags and rent a car outside. When we were in the car Y/N sat there and looked at me not starting the car. "Can we go?" She shook her head and just held a blind fold in her grip handing it over to me so that I could put it on. I grabbed the blindfold and wrapped it around my eyes and once I had it on Y/N started the car and drove away.

I heard Y/Ns phone ringing as we were driving. She set it on speaker and I could hear Dinahs laugh come through the phone.
"Hey Dinah, what's up?"
"Hey Y/N, how are you and Lauren? Did you guys land safe?"
"Yeah we did, we're just heading to that place I told you about."
"I'm so happy for you guys, Camila and I are going to Disney world today."
"Sounds like fun, well I'll talk to you later D. We're arriving at our place."
"Alright Y/N have fun, tell Lauren I said hi."

The call ended and I heard the car turn off and waited for Y/N to come around and guide me to where the hell it is we were going. Y/N opened my door and grabbed my hand walking me to who knows where, I could be walking to the edge of a cliff and I wouldn't know. Wonderful. I felt Y/N walk behind me as soon as she seemed to have opened a door and took off the blind fold. When I opened my eyes there was this most beautiful beach in front of me and a cabin set in the middle of the water connected to a board walk. I turned around with tears brimming my eyes. "This is amazing Y/N, oh my god. This is so beautiful. I love you so much." I wrapped my arms around her neck and started to kiss her neck and cheek repeatedly.

We pulled away and started to walk down the board walk into our cabin. We walked in and Y/N set our bags in the corner of the room and walked. The cabin was huge and amazing. The most beautiful sight of the beach was set behind our cabin and the bed covered in roses. I felt Y/N wrap her arms around my waist and I slowly turned around in her embrace and wrapped my arms around her neck. Y/N attached her lips to my neck and I let out a soft moan earning a smile from her.

I jumped up and wrapped my legs around her waist and she held onto my legs guiding me to the bed. She set me down gently on the bed and hovered over me kissing her way down to my chest. My chest started to rise up and down more rapidly as she went down lower and started to unbutton my shirt. I closed my eyes and laid my head back preparing myself for the relief that I was going to have.

Soon my pants her off and Y/N was kissing my inner thighs, loud moans were escaping from my lips and before I knew it I felt the pressure and the pleasure that I was waiting for. I let out a loud moan and was soon close to my release. The pace had grown faster and harder and I was now leaving scratches on Y/Ns back and hearing small grunts escape from her mouth. I arched my back and let out the loudest moan while I felt myself release over Y/Ns hand.

We had slept through the afternoon and gotten up around six in the afternoon. When I woke up, the bed was empty but I heard splashing from just outside the back porch of our cabin. I wrapped the blanket around my body and got up walking over and seeing Y/N sitting on the edge of the porch of the balcony with her feet in the water. She was looking carelessly out onto the water and just gazing at the few boats passing by in the distance. I smiled and walked over to her crouching down and kissing her head. "Are you enjoying yourself?" She turned and looked at me with a soft smile on her face. "Yeah I really am, are you?" I nodded and unwrapped the blanket from my body and saw Y/Ns eyes roam my body and quickly getting up to caress my stomach.

"You're so beautiful." I smiled and pushed her into the water, hearing her scream as she fell in. I started laughing hysterically and watched as she resurfaced and gave me a death glare. She swam back onto the porch and picked me up. "Y/N put me down! Stop, stop! I'm sorry! Oh my god! Y/N!" I was thrown into the water and now I was hearing Y/N laughing at me. She quickly jumped into the water with me and swam over to me wrapping her arms around my waist. "I love you." She smiled and kissed my lips ever so gently. "I love you too babe." I smiled and we just stayed in the water watching as the sun set completely.

When the sun had set we walked into the bathroom and took a quick shower before heading out to dinner. We both got dressed and I decided to wear my new red dress I had bought a few months ago but never wore because I was busy planing. I hope Y/N likes it even though Dinah says that Y/N would probably drop dead. I walked out into the living area of the cabin where Y/N was sitting. I cleared my throat and Y/Ns head shot up and I watched as her eyes open wide. "Do you like it? Dinah said that you would but I wasn't to su-" she stood up and walked over to me in a hurry. "I absolutely love it." I smiled and gave her a quick peck on the lips and started heading towards the door.

We sat down at a dinner table set on the beach shore with candle lights and a small tent surrounding our table. Music was playing just a few feet away from us and it seemed like we were in complete heaven. We held small conversations in between our meal and I've honestly never had a better time in my life. "This marriage thing isn't so bad after all." I reached across the table and slapped her arm. "Oh shut up, you've been with me for almost a year and six months now." She nodded and she just looked up and stared at me with a soft sparkle in her eyes. "Why are you with me? I mean I was just a sappy person a year ago and now so much has changed not only in me but in us."

"You became someone that I never wanted to let go of after I saw you crying in your room that day. You became someone who I never wanted to leave after all the fun we had. You became someone I loved so much that it hurt and now it would take an army to get me away from you, you've become a part of me." I smiled and lightly chuckled as I looked down at my hands trying to avoid the tears that were brimming my eyes. "You became a person I liked in a matter of minutes, a person I cared for in a matter of hours and a person I loved dearly in a matter of days." I felt a few tears escape my eyes rejoicing in the happiness Y/N brought me and the love that we both shared for each other. "It isn't overwhelming and it isn't rushed. This love we share was destined to happen no matter how fast or slow we took this relationship. I'll always love you."

A/N: Lauren got a little emotional there sharing her love for you huh? Well I hope you guys enjoyed and please let me know what you think. Btw I MET THE GIRLS ON SUNDAY!! Best day of my life! It meant so much to me seeing them.


Lauren/you - Lost and Insecure, You found meWhere stories live. Discover now