Bonus Chapter 4

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To be loved and chosen by a good man is the best experience. Today, on our two-year anniversary, I'm especially grateful for my solid and steady husband. Dario is everything I wanted in a man. Sometimes I look down at my ring and still can't believe it. He could have anyone and he chose me. Growing up, I was always picked last. I ate glue, ripped the paper off of crayons, and bit people. Dario has always been...perfect. To say he's out of my league is an understatement. But somehow he chose me. And I'm so happy that he's mine.

If he hadn't chosen me, though, I would've ruined his wedding.

Most men receive their first flowers at their funerals. I don't want that to be the case with Dario. So I bought him roses for our anniversary, because I know he liked when I gave him one before we were married.

We also planned a trip to the beach to celebrate...

"Hey, Dario, move your lazy ass!"

...which our friends hijacked. We're walking there now, the guys up ahead and Dario and I lingering behind.

"I've got a present for you," I smile up at Dario.

I pinch my fingers together like I'm holding something, my hand hovering over his hand. Dario's palm unfurls and I open my hand, revealing its emptiness, before entwining our fingers.


"It's my hand, silly."

Dario smiles and kisses my forehead. I blush, because I do that easily.

"I love you, Daddy."

Dario thumbs my lips.

"I love you too. What're you getting me for Father's Day?"

I smile big.

"My heart..."

"That's good. You already stole my heart."

"I needed it."

Dario's lips meld with mine in another gentle kiss.

"Grooooooss," the men up the path chorus.

Dario bristles with annoyance.

"Leave them alone," Ken chastises the others. "Ciel needs his, um," he coughs, "vitamin D..."

Dario and I overtake the men and continue walking along the path. It recently rained and the dense foliage still has little drops of water everywhere. Dario purposefully bats at the branches as we pass, showering the men behind us. He slants me a sidelong grin of pride, which makes me grin back.

"Stop! Fuckin' jackass," Ken growls.

"Ciel, did you see what he did?" Jackson complains bitterly.

"That was a very wrong thing, Dario," I say, amused.

After a few more minutes, I start to feel tired. Dario insisted we leave the cars and take the scenic trail on foot.

"Are we lost?" Preston asks.

"No," he huffs. "We're almost there."

"Dario, you got us lost." Jackson scowls.

"We're not lost," Dario assures us patiently.

"Do you want some water?" I start fumbling in my backpack.

"Yeah, thanks, babe."

I uncap a bottle and hand it to him. I also start applying my sunscreen, and put on my hat in case we get to the shore in less than fifteen minutes.

It turns out that Dario was right and we step onto the shore a few minutes later.

We set our bags down and start undressing, and that's when the chaos starts. The guys can't believe Dario is wearing speedos.

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