The Son of Salem and Ozpin became a student at Beacon Academy, who leads the team of superheroes known as the Guardians of Life. The Guardians of Life and the Beacon Huntsmen must join forces to defeat threats like Lord Draken and King Ghidorah.
(Yin is seen flying in the Iron Man Mark 50 Armor. As he lands, Mercury Black comes in alongside a group of army of demons, dementors, zombies, chimeras, hydras and other villains like the Legion of Doom, the Masters of Evil, the Mavericks, etc,)
Mercury: There you are, Yin. One last chance to surrender and let your mother take over this planet!
Ironwood: I thought you would say that, Mercury! I have a surprise for you!
(Doctor Strange opens various doors. One of them reveals Sienna Khan and the reformed White Fang. Other reveals the Power Rangers.)
Tommy: Morphin' Time! Dragonzord!
Zack: Mastodon!
Kimberly: Pterodactyl!
Billy: Triceratops!
Trini: Sabretooth Tiger!
Jason: Tyrannosaurus!
(Then they become the Power Rangers. The other portal reveals the Maverick Hunters, the Repliforce, Iron Giant and Hiccup riding Toothless.)
Hiccup: Okay, Toothless. It's now or never!
Colonel: (to his soldiers) Remember, soldiers. Fight until you're no longer able to do so!
(Then Drago-Reptak comes in alongside Preyas, Ravenoid, Robotallion and other Bakugan)
Drago-Reptak: Time to brawl!
Preyas: Change attribute! Darkus!
(Then Teams RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, SSSN, NDGO, ABRN, BRNZ, FNKI, STRQ, Amber, Ozpin, Glynda, Ironwood, Winter, Vernal, the Ace Operatives and the Happy Huntresses come in.)
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Robyn: I've always dreamed of this day, different people, with different rights, fighting together for a greater good.
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Amber: This will be the most glorious day ever!
(Then the Earthrealm Warriors and the Special Forces come in)
Raiden: The defender of the Earthrealm is here, ready for kombat!