Chapter 23: Final Battle (Part 1)

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(Yin is seen flying in the Iron Man Mark 50 Armor. As he lands, Mercury Black comes in alongside a group of army of demons, dementors, zombies, chimeras, hydras and other villains like the Legion of Doom, the Masters of Evil, the Mavericks, etc,)

Mercury: There you are, Yin. One last chance to surrender and let your mother take over this planet!

Ironwood: I thought you would say that, Mercury! I have a surprise for you!

(Doctor Strange opens various doors. One of them reveals Sienna Khan and the reformed White Fang. Other reveals the Power Rangers.)

Tommy: Morphin' Time! Dragonzord!

Zack: Mastodon!

Kimberly: Pterodactyl!

Billy: Triceratops!

Trini: Sabretooth Tiger!

Jason: Tyrannosaurus!

(Then they become the Power Rangers. The other portal reveals the Maverick Hunters, the Repliforce, Iron Giant and Hiccup riding Toothless.)

Hiccup: Okay, Toothless. It's now or never!

Colonel: (to his soldiers) Remember, soldiers. Fight until you're no longer able to do so!

(Then Drago-Reptak comes in alongside Preyas, Ravenoid, Robotallion and other Bakugan)

Drago-Reptak: Time to brawl!

Preyas: Change attribute! Darkus!

(Then Teams RWBY, JNPR, CFVY, SSSN, NDGO, ABRN, BRNZ, FNKI, STRQ, Amber, Ozpin, Glynda, Ironwood, Winter, Vernal, the Ace Operatives and the Happy Huntresses come in.)

Robyn: I've always dreamed of this day, different people, with different rights, fighting together for a greater good

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Robyn: I've always dreamed of this day, different people, with different rights, fighting together for a greater good.

Robyn: I've always dreamed of this day, different people, with different rights, fighting together for a greater good

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Amber: This will be the most glorious day ever!

(Then the Earthrealm Warriors and the Special Forces come in)

Raiden: The defender of the Earthrealm is here, ready for kombat!

Sonya: Time to finish these guys!

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