The Explanation

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"Why is he d-dead," I said trying not to cry. There was my dad, laying in the ground, dead. "I found him dead, I think that he slipped on the floor or something, but I always make sure when I killed someone it was clean" father said. "You've killed someone?" I asked as a tear ran down my face. "Yes and so has your dad," said father. Dad killed someone? No this can't be happening, both of my parents are murderers, I shouldn't be able to live with them. "Come one let's go get a hotel," said father. "Why did you hide his body if he slipped, why couldn't he have a proper funeral, why couldn't I be there when you buried him, why did you hide him from me!" I yelled at him. "I will answer those questions when we get to the hotel," said father. "No your going to answer them now! You killed my dad, you ruined my life!" I was yelling at him so bad that my lungs were going to burst. "Fine let's just go back to the house," "No you're going to answer my quest-". I felt a sharp pain on my cheek, then I fell and it went black. 

I woke up in the basement at the house, father was sitting there with his hands over his face, he looked like he was hating himself. He saw that I was awake, "Hey I'm sorry for punching you, you were just yelling, attracting attention, and we needed to get home" father looked like he was so stressed. "He-ey" I tried to talk but my throat hurts so bad. "Hey don't try to talk, here drink some water and ill go get some medicine for your throat," said father. Then it hit me, father was trying to take care of me, he was sorry for punching me, and he was going to get me stuff to take care of my throat. 

He came back with water and syrup, I took the syrup and drank the water, my throat was feeling better already. "Thank you, Dad," I said after a few minutes, my throat was still a little dry, but I could talk. "Your welcome" dad said as he left up the stairs. I realized that I was still in the basement, I tried to walk up the stairs but I got stopped by a chain that was on my ankle, I guess he put this here to make sure I didn't attack him, but he didn't take it off. 

Several years went by and I stayed in the basement, he came a visited me every day, he gave me food, but he didn't explain why I was down there. When I knew he was at work I would climb up the stairs and tried the trap door, he locked it every time. 


Sangwoos POV:

I had to keep him down there, if he went to school and told everyone what I told him then I would go to jail. "Wheres the report I had you do?", "Huh?" I asked coming out of my thoughts. "Wheres that report," my boss said again. "Oh here: I said as I handed the papers to him. "You did good and before it was due, you can go home early today," my boss said. "Thanks," I said then left.


Akitos POV:

I heard dad come home upstairs, it was too early for him to be home, and I was checking the door, I quickly ran down the steps and sat on the bed that was down there. "Akito I'm going somewhere, stay down here, I will have dinner when I come back" dad yelled down the steps. "Ok" I yelled back. 

Dad came back later than usual, and I was very hungry, he brought down the food and went back up the steps. But he came down with a girl, it was Lily. "Dad why is Lily here?" I asked. "Oh I thought you would want a friend and I read that note she gave you, and she's very beautiful," dad said. "Dad let her go, she doesn't need to be in this mess," I said. I looked at her, she was tied, gagged, and crying, I wanted to run to her and tell her that it was ok, that my dad would never hurt her. "Why would I do that, after I went through all that trouble to get her" dad said. "DAD LET HER GO" I yelled. 


someone asked for a reunite, and I thought that sangwoo actually taking care of him would show him that his dad was ok. But we had to add sangwoos crazy and he had to kidnap Lily, so there you guys go, im probably working on the next chapter right now, so give me ideas if you have any, and you get to see them in the book. :)

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