0. Prologue Nightmare Fort

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TW; Explosion, implied deaths, slowing starving, dire situations in war, talking about eating horses, vague characters, implied being abandoned, bad writing lmao

The prince sighed, leaning over his desk slumped over. His finger tapped wood beneath him excessively as he stared at the letter he was trying to write. His sunken eyes staring at the ink on the page as if the tired green orbs could will a reply into existence.

The door opened to the office and the auburn haired man sighed heavily as he heard the creaking door shut followed by footsteps moving closer. He dropped his quill and pressed his palms to his forehead, trying to fight off the headache.

"Well someone seems to be enjoying himself." A voice spoke up. "If you worry anymore, you'll start getting grey hairs."

"I think that's the least of my worries, love." The heir told him, not moving from his position.

"Fair enough. Have you eaten today?"

"Do we have food?"

There was a long pause from the other and the prince let out a deep breath, looking up at the scaled man.

"...how are the men?" He asked.

"They're getting restless." The right hand man told him. "You should probably go and talk to them. Try to settle their nerves."

The prince nodded slightly, rubbing his face as he shifted to sit up straight, messing up the already untidied hairs of his unkempt mustache, something he had meant to shave off.

"Right...cause words are going to save them." The man muttered, turning in his chair. "How is everything else?"

The black haired man paused. "We're almost completely out of our rations...people are thinking the supplies are being stolen and some of the men have taken to blaming each other-"

"Infighting. Perfect. Just what we need." The prince said with a hollow laugh, deflating.

"Love, they're-"

"What about the pirates?"

There was a pause between the two.

After a moment there was a soft sigh. "They're moving closer. We're still cut off on all sides. No word from your father or any reinforcements..."

The prince held onto his forehead. "...We're screwed."

The scale covered man frowned. "Hey now. That's not true."

"Is it not? Please, tell me how I'm wrong."


"Have no food. Are surrounded by the enemy and have no sign of any reinforcements." The prince told him. "We've been here for months! Nobody is coming to save us. We can't do anything or fight back. We are screwed...it's hopeless."

"Love, listen to me." The man moved to gently grab the other's elbow with one hand while the other hand tilted the prince's chin to look at him. "Things are going to be okay. We'll think of something."

"But the pirates-"

"Are at bay for now."

"The food-"

"We'll make grass strew or eat the horses."


"Are probably on their way." The black haired man told him, soft iron colored eyes looking into his prince's eyes. "Your father wouldn't abandon the men here. Least of all you."

The prince sighed, pausing for a moment. "...And the men?"

"Need you to be strong," he answered. "They think of you as their hero. They need you to try to act like it."

There was a pause before the heir looked at the black scales on the other's face before a soft smile crept onto the prince's face. "You should just be the prince. You're so much better at it."

"Hmmm, true." He nodded with a playful smile. "You are terrible at anything that doesn't involve a sword."

"What would I do without you?"

"Starve most likely."

The heir laughed. "Well, I'll just have to stay with you, won't I?"

"Oh, how dreadful. I can't stand your company" The man smiled at his prince, earning an eye roll in response.

"You know most people would be tried and probably executed for talking to the heir of the kingdom like that." The prince smirked.

"I'm not most people."

"Overgrown lizard."
"Prince Tryhard."

"Now that one just hurt." The prince pouted, leaning toward the other.

"Aw, does the mighty mighty prince need me to kiss his boo boo better?" The dragon teased, starting to lean to meet the prince in the space between them.

Before the heir could answer, there was a loud roar of a cannon, and the wall burst open, throwing the two men onto the floor.

The prince's head throbbed and his vision blurred. He heard several screams and the voice of his right hand man yelling orders as everything started to fade to black. 

On Royal Tides; Search For The Heart Of The Sea{Sander Sides Au}Where stories live. Discover now