Chapter 3 | Being Closer?

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• Narrator •

Wilbur,Fundy and Dream finally got to the nearest ice cream shop,but something happened?

Wilbur• I want one vanilla ice cream,please

Fundy• One of chocolate

Dream• One of Coffe,please

Worker girl• Right away!,I'll take at least,2 Minutes,please wait!
-Said the Worker girl With a pretty smile-


Dream,Fundy and Wilbur went to one of the outside tables


-He turns to look around, seeing Sally at the end-

That girl is kinda cute...,- what I'm even thinking,i don't even know her!,what if i talk to her? Ugh,I'll try to talk to her it doesn't matter!

Wilbur• guys,i have to go a while..

Dream and Fundy• why tho?

Wilbur•um... I have an urgent call

Dream• Okay?...

Wilbur• I'll be right back,can y'all tell the Waiter about this?

Fundy• ugh,okay,just don't be gone more than 9 minutes,or your ice cream it's gonna melt

Wilbur• Ye- yeah I'll be here in no time

-Wilbur goes near Sally-

Fundy• Well,that was strange...

Dream• Yeah...

Fundy• Anyways,um.. let's talk about ourselves

Dream• Okay,well,this may sound weird and all but... Uh..

Fundy• Is something wrong?-

Waiter• Here is your ice cream

Fundy• Thank you!

Dream• Thanks

Waiter• Anytime!


Fundy• So,what were you about to tell me?

Dream• Forget it...

Fundy• Okay? Well,How did you meet Wilbur?

Dream• huh? I... How I met Wilbur is a bit strange,are you sure?..

Fundy• Yeah!,Don't worry too much,it's not like y'all meet trough a dating app right?

Dream• Yeah,you are right,I'll tell you then..
Well,I met Wilbur in high school

Fundy• W-wait are you serious?

Dream• Yeah,not too long ago,around endings of high school

Fundy• Oh,well that's interesting,but you said that it was strange,i don't think there's anything strange...

Dream• Yeah,there's nothing strange about meeting someone in high school,i know,but the strange part is how I met him I mean,the scenario..

Fundy• Hey.. um.. you don't have to tell me if it makes you feel uncomfortable

-Said Fundy,finishing the ice cream-

Dream• but you said,i mean.. thanks

Fundy• hmh,so are y-

Wilbur• Guys I'm back! -said wilbur,sitting down-

Dream• What were you about to say?

Fundy• Nothing

Just us two. Right? | DundyWhere stories live. Discover now