𝔻𝕒𝕟𝕔𝕚𝕟𝕘 𝕎𝕚𝕥𝕙 𝕋𝕙𝕖 𝔻𝕖𝕧𝕚𝕝 ℙ𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝟝

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Fuck this

It has never been this busy in months "lady i asked for my drink 5 minutes ago" someone says to me i'm so overwhelmed "i'm so sorry i will get now what did you order" i say "you don't even remember what i got are dumb for stupid" i let out a sight that was stupid of saying that go to school then talk to me idiot is what i would say if i wanted to get fired "what seems to be problem here ma'ma" Luca comes up i guess he's trying to help "this bitch doesn't know how to do her job" now see 13 year old be would have cried if someone called me that but not me now i was ready to slap the fucking bitch "what did you just call me" pushing Luca out of the way and he didn't stop "i called you a bitch that can't do her job" she said it a little loud so the people around us heard what she said and now shit will go down "i'm about to fuck you up" i said see i get rude people all time and don't do anything like this but i don't but not today i was not in the mood for people's shit.

I reach to grab her hair i get some of it but i get pulled off her but i wasn't done "your luck bitch but trust me when i see you the streets i won't fucking hesitate" i had to scream cause i was far from the bar people were looking at me i get pulled in the office with harry and Luca looking at me "she asked for it i swear" Luca looks at me he looks mad shit i'm going to get fired Harry looks at Luca waiting for something to happen i look between them since no one say's any thing i do "am i in trouble" "you threatened a customer and pulled her hair you think the first timers are going to think that's how we treat people because i do " Luca say's i look down i guess what i did wasn't the right thing to do "just go home Faye i will talk to you on your next shift" i just nod my head and walk out i can't help but feel disappointed in myself the one time i lash out i get in trouble i should of just kept moving with my day like i did earlier.

I get my stuff from the staff room and call an Uber. (skip the ride home)

I'm finally home i change in to some sweatpants and a tank top with a large black zip up hoodie i grab my vape "Milo lets go for a walk" i say as soon as i walk out the apartment building i see Luca step out of his car i take my phone to look at the time ya what the fuck why is he here the club isn't closed yet i ignore him and just take Milo "Faye" i hear him call out i roll my eyes and turn around to face him "yes" "is this Milo" he points to the dog i nod my head "can i pet him" he ask i nod my head again "Milo sit" the dog listened Luca bend down to pet him "why are you here i don't think you came here to just pet my dog" i have feeling that he is about to tell me i'm fired so i'm trying to mentally prepare my self for what he says "he's cute" i don't say anything just let him have his moment "your getting written up by the way" wait what first off who says that while petting a dog not paying attention to the person there saying that to "is that it" before he answer some screams from his car "hurry up Luca i want to get starred on are fun night" i look at the girl that screams that and it's the bitch from the bar

that's right i said what i said "oh so your guys are going to go fuck" i say a little disbelief he looks at me "is this all to make her happy so she doesn't write a bad review about the club get me in trouble and you fuck the shit out her wow i took you for an asshole but i didn't think you would go this low" i think i was little mad but i had a reason to be this girl treats me like shit i give her taste of her own medicine and i get in trouble and she going to get fucked by Luca wait am i jealous wait no i'm mad like big mad he gets up and looks at me "listen i'm going to take a guess that you don't know who i am or my background because i don't let people talk to me especially spoiled brats like you i don't know what mommy and daddy taught you but you don't talk to me like that got it" he says getting closer and closer to my face but i'm not going to let him talk to me like that "no you listen here Mommy and daddy didn't teach me shit actually daddy never got the chance because the walked out not once but twice" i say putting tow fingers up and i continue what i'm saying "and mommy was to caught up in work to notice anything so i raised my self and i did a fucking great job because i don't listen to assholes like i don't care about you or your background you could kill me right now and my last word would be fuck you."

I turn to walk away but turn back around "and once your done fucking her put my 2 week notice in for me" i say finally walking away "have a nice night Faye" i hear him i just stick up my middle finger and continue walk away fucking dick head i hope he cokes on his spit when he drinks water and now i have a headache.

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