Continue This Journey With Me (Rose x reader)

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As the rain poured and lightning raced across the sky followed by a boom of thunder, you wished Rose would answer her door quicker. Another deafening sound of thunder  had passed before the door finally opened. But you weren't met by the bookworm Rose, instead you met with her tall mother with a martini in her hand and a small smile on her face.

"Hello Ms Lalonde, is Rose home?" You asked. You knew she was home. You messaged her on pesterchum before you came here and she told you she was. Rose's mother nodded her head, stepped to the side and pointed up the stairs before taking a sip out of her martini glass.

"She should be in her room." She said, "She might not be though, I never know with her." She laughed a little before gesturing for you to come inside.

"Thank you ma'am!" She giggled some more at how polite you were before walking off and leaving you to explore. You really didn't understand how Rose could hate her mom. She seemed quite sweet. Then again, you had only just met her.

You looked around the house. There were quite a few wizard statues and paintings. They were pretty unsettling. You couldn't shake the feeling that something was watching you. You rushed up the stairs and looked around once more. You heard a door open from down the hall and there she is.

Rose peaks her head outside of what you believe to be her room. She smiles and walks over to you.

"I'm sorry [Y/N]! I meant to answer the door but I ran into my mom and-" You laugh a little at her panicked explanation.

"Rose it's ok!" She nods and you two begin to walk back to her room. She then looks at you with a confused face.

"You're soaking wet, did you not bring an umbrella?"

"Oh, yeah. I kinda forgot." You admit, looking at the ground. You were really excited to hear that Rose wanted to hangout with you at her house that you forgot to bring somethings, such as pajamas and spare change of clothes.

"Ah, I see. Well then, you can dry off and change into some nice, warm, much more dry clothes." You laugh a little at her somewhat joke and then prepare to tell her about how much more you didn't think things through.

"Well here's the thing with that. I don't have any extra clothes..." she giggles a little and you do the same.

"[Y/N], what all did you bring?"

"My phone, blanket, book, a charger, my toothbrush... and that's close to it." Rose opens the door to her room and sighs, though a smile is still present on her face.

"I suppose you can borrow some of my clothes." She walks in her room while you follow her. She then begins going through the clothes on her floor and in her dresser.

When she's done she has the purple squiddle T-shirt like the one she has on, black pajama pants, and black slippers.

"Here, you can borrow these. I'll wait in the hallway while you change in here." You take the clothes before nodding and with that Rose leaves her room, closing the door behind her.

You sigh and begin to strip off your clothes before quickly replacing them with her's. You throw your clothes on top of your bag and then peek your head outside her door as she had done when you first arrived. You find Rose standing there with an empty plastic grocery bag. She jumps a little when you open the door and it gets a slight giggle out of you.

"Ah, [Y/N]!"

"Jumpy, huh?" You tease.

"I was just spacing out, that's all." You shrug and then look at the bag she's holding.

"What's that for?"

"It's for your wet clothes. Wouldn't want them soaking anything in your bag." You step to the side with a sigh.

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