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The sun beamed down, light hitting George's face. His skin glowed, highlighting his features: His fluffy brown hair, brown milky eyes and small figure.

The sweaty weather, cicadas humming, and a small bit of wind was felt around the marketplace. Mostly everyone was wearing short sleeve shirts to prevent heat strokes, except for the fishermen (it mostly got cold out at sea).

As George got to his stand selling various foods, such as bread, cake, carrot stew, mashed potatoes, and rice. He saw a commotion go on in the town. Screams could be heard from his stand and as the saying goes: curiosity killed the cat. George decided to check out what was going on in the market.

"Let him go!!" A woman screamed calling out to a man. It appeared that the young man was holding a child hostage. As the child cried calling out for his mother, George stood there in shock, he couldn't move. He froze. Fear took over his body as well as guilt. The guilt that he couldn't do anything because if he did that poor child would die. Just then as he felt completely hopeless a man appeared.

"Let go of the child sir." He said strictly, pointing his sword towards the man. His dirty-blonde hair shining in the light.

"What's in it for me?" The man replied with a raspy voice, tightening his grasp on the child, cutting a bit of his neck in proof he will hurt the child.

"Sir I don't want to ask you again, let go of the child. I don't want to fight you." The knight responded, stepping closer to the man.

"If you step closer I will end this child's life." He said putting the sword closer to the boy's throat.

"I could offer you some diamonds in exchange for the child."

"Fine by me." The man said with a grin slowly appearing on his face.

"The child first." As the knight said that the child was thrown to the crowd where he hugged his mother. "Now step to me to receive you diamonds."

As the knight said that the man stepped forwards to receive his payment, and instead of the payments of diamonds he received another payment. When the knight got down from his horse and was about to hand the diamonds to the man he quickly pulled out a pocket knife and gently stabbed the man leaving him falling to his knees.

"Sir, you are under arrest." The knight said calmly as he cuffed the man and sat him down on his horse.

George was in awe of what happened. He went up to the knight to thank him.

"Sir, thank you." George said, taking in all the knights' features. His dirty-blonde hair shimmering in the sunlight, what looked like yellow-greenish eyes (George wasn't sure because he couldn't see colors properly.), and the knight's tall figure. It gave George butterflies when the knight responded to him.

"Anytime just doing my job." He said smiling. Dimples appeared at the side of his cheeks.

"Will I see you again?" George spitted out not really thinking about what he was saying.

"If you would like." He said winking, and off he went with the known prisoner and rode off to the castle.

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