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8:17AM you woke up feeling dizzy and nauseous, you got up and ran to the bathroom, you started throwing up in the toilet holding your stomach. After you stopped throwing up you called your bestfriend Serenity. Y/n: Reni can you come over rn? Serenity: sure but why? What's up? y/n: it's a long story..also bring a pregnancy test on ur way please..Serenity: i- ok-

~10 minutes later~

*Serenity knocks* "coming!" You shouted. You open the door and let Serenity in. "Soo why did you want me to bring this test?" Reni said, "so remember the night of the party with Andrew?" You said "yeah" Reni said. Y/n: well...we ended up doing "it" andd he didnt put on a condom...""  said Serenity "any questions?" You said "YES, ARE YOU CRAZY?" Reni shouted. "But it was soo good thoo" you cried "ok fine, but u could've ATLEAST let him put on a condom.." Serenity said "and from where would I get a condom?" You said, "omg just go take the test" Serenity said "alright" you said.

~2 minutes later~

"Reni look", "it hasn't shown the results yet" you said "ok omg let's wait 2-5 minutes" Reni said "mk" you said.

~5 minutes later~

"OH MY GAWD" you shouted "WHAT??" Serenity gasped, "IM PREGNANT" you said "REALLY!?" Reni shouted "YES HO" you shouted "WELL WHAT NOW" "are you sure its Andrew's" Reni said "yes cuz I wasnt in contact with any other guy for the past year" you said "well do you wanna tell him?" Reni asked "I mean yeah sure.." you said. After talking about it for a short while you decided to text Andrew to come over...

Y/n: hey drew, can you come over, it's really important.

Andrew: sure but what's up??

Y/n: I have something to tell you but we can just talk about it irl if you dont mind..

Drew: sure ig, I'll be there in 5.

Y/n: k see ya.

Drew: k bye.

~5 minutes later~

*Andrew knocks on the door*. sighed, "hey, so what did you want to tell me?" Andrew asked, "well can we discuss it upstairs.." you said "aight" Andrew said nervously. The both of you went up to the bedroom where Serenity was, "oh hey Serenity" Drew said "hey.." "why are both of yall acting so weird haha" Andrew chuckled nervously. "Uhm so Andrew" remember the night of the party" you said "yeah ;-;" andrew said nervously.
"Well...I'm pregnant.." you said nervously, "W-WHAT??" "yeah..." you sighed "you should've put on a condom ;-;" you said.."well what do you wanna do?" Andrew said "idk, what do you wanna do? Do you wanna keep it and be there or not?" You said. "Well I wanna be there for you and for the baby, so why not start a family" Andrew said "Okay, well..what now?" You said "let's go celebrate!" Andrew cheered "OMG YASSS" Serenity shouted. You guys walked out of the bedroom as Andrew gave you a peck on the lips.


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Soo guyss- here you have it, part 2, sorry I took so long to post it but here ya go, kind of a twist but..I hope you enjoy :))))

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2021 ⏰

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