A/N When it says I, I mean me as in author and your Y/N, the reader
The date was june 24th and we were at your mommas funeral "I'm so glad your mommas dead" Lex says "I know right? Now I can fuck her" I say "Why?" Y/N asks "I don't know I think she's hot! You know what I'm saying?" I say excitedly "I'd say your next, but only Je(sus) can confirm that" Lex says "Can we have a threesome?" I ask "Sure!" Y/N says excitedly "Lets do it tonight" Lex says "Lets go home now" I say
We finally got home and got on the couch when Jimmy walked in the house without knocking "Boys!" Jimmy says "What's up maaaaannnnn" I say giving him a fist bump "Hey!" Y/N says giving Jimmy a fat hug "What's up mother fucker!" Lex says flipping him off "I am fucking your mother tonight" Jimmy says pulling out his phone "Cool" Y/N says laughing "So what do you guys wanna do tonight?" Y/N asks "I'm fucking Lexs mother tonight remember?" Jimmy says raising his eyebrows "Truth or Dare!" I say happily and sitting on the floor "Ok" Lex says excitedly sitting too
We were all sitting and got some snacks too "Ok! I'll go first! Lex! Truth or dare?" Jimmy asks "Truth!" Lex says happily "Do you like women?" Jimmy asks looking her up and down "Foe show!" Lex says giving a thumbs up "Truth or dare, Y/N" Lex asks because it's her turn "DARE MOTHER FUCKER!" Y/N says excitedly "Ok go in the backyard with Jimmy for 15 minutes!" Lex says smirking "Ok! Lets go Jimmy!" Y/N says grabbing his hand and pulling him up "Wait! Let me grab something in the kitchen!" Jimmy says walking over to the kitchen and then after 2 minutes he came back with something in his hand, but since it was to dark no one could see it "Ok! I'm done!" Jimmy says walking to the back door "Ok" Y/N says walking outside
It's been about 5 minutes and Y/N was picking her nose and Jimmy was looking at her in disgust "I never knew you did that" Jimmy says disgusted "Yeah! I learned from my dead mom" Y/N says eating her boogers "Anyways! Are you gay?" Jimmy asks "Yeah!" Y/N says "This is why your mommas dead" Jimmy says "Why would you say that?" Y/N asks crying "Because it's true! NOW STOP CRYING!!" Jimmy yells at Y/N "Please! Y-y-y-y-y-yo-you-your b-b-b-b-be-being m-m-me-mean f-f-fo-fo-for n-n-n-no r-r-r-rea-reaso-reason!" Y/N yells back "Do you miss her?" Jimmy asks softly "Y-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e-e--e--e-e--e-e--e-e-e-e--e-e-e--e-ess-s-s--s-s-s!! I-I-I-I-I-I-I d-d-d-d-do!!!!" Y/N says crying more "This is why I've never liked you!!! But I have a present for you!!!" Jimmy says excitedly at the end of his sentence "Y-y-y-y-y-yo-you wh-w-w-wha-what?" Y/N asks "Never mind but I have something for you!" Jimmy says again trying to sound excited but really annoyed "W-w-w-w-w-wha-wha-what i-i-i-i-i-i-is i--i-i-i-it?" Y/N asks looking up at Jimmy "THIS!!! NOW YOU CAN BE WITH YOUR MOM SINCE YOU MISS HER SO MUCH YOU DUMB MOTHER FUCKER!!!!" Jimmy yells while stabbing Y/N in the heart "J-j-j-j-j-j--j-j--j-j--j-j-j-jimm-jimm-jimm-jimmy?" Y/N says crying more and falling in the mud "Little mother fucker! God fucking christ I hate her!" Jimmy says angrily and walking over to the nasty stench in the mud pile "WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED?" Lex asks walking through the backdoor "Je(sus)!! Do you need help?" I ask "Yes she's fucking like 5 billion fucking pounds!!" Jimmy says trying to pick up Y/Ns body "Nasty!" Lex says giving a disgusted face at Jimmy and me "Are you gonna help bring her do the garbage?" Jimmy asks Lex "Fine" Lex says rolling her eyes
After dragging Y/Ns heavy ass body to the dump yard we started walking to the house "What if the police see the body?" I ask "Dude, she fucking looks like a fat ass rat! No one is gonna see her" Jimmy says laughing evily making everybody else do the same "Ok, now shut the fuck up" Lex says stopping herself from laughing "Ok, bitch" Jimmy says running to the park that's like a mile away "Hey! Wait up asshole!" I say running after him making Lex do the same
We were playing at the park when we heard sirens on the road next to Lexs house "Oh mother fucker shit bag!" Lex says looking at us "Oh shit" Jimmy says looking at Lex "Oh my holy fuck! We need to go" I say grabbing both of their hands we start running to the woods by the park when we hear the police yell "Hey! Get back here you fucking murders!" The policeman shouted chasing after us making other police men see what was going on then running after us "Holy shit, holy shit, holy shit!" Lex says running faster
We've been running for about 15 minutes when we got to a cliff "Oh shit! Where do we go now?" I ask "That's not a survivable jump" Lex says scared "I gotta plan" after Jimmy told us the plan the policemen got there and we jumped
Me and Lex were running when we heard no one chasing us we turned around and saw no lights and we didn't hear footsteps "I think we're good" Lex says out of breath "Yeah" I say out of breath too "Jimmy is a goodman" Lex says still out of breath "He sure is" I say starting to walk somewhere the plan was Jimmy was going to jump off the cliff while we ran to make it look like me and Lex jumped first then he jumped last while the policemen would come and see and think we jumped off and died
We've been walking for hours when we spotted something not to far away from us "What the fuck is that?" I ask "I don't know, but one way to figure out" Lex says running towards the thing I started running after her and when we got there it was an old cabin then she looked at me "Holy shit! We can live here till it's safe to go back to the town!" She says excitedly "Yeah! We can!" I say looking at her we walked in the house and it was really old and dusty, but we fixed it up after 2 hours we cleaned it up and everything "Holy shit!....We're done!" I say looking at her "Fuck!! We are!" She says looking back at me I grab her face and start caressing her cheek "God I'm so fucking glad we're fiancés!" I say happily "Me too" She says giving me a peck on the lips
Today was the day where me and Lex would go back to town!! It has been 4 years since we killed Y/N, but me and Lex are still fiancés, sadly anyways right now we're just taking everything we need "You ready?" Lex asks "Yeah lets go" I say opening the cabin door and taking their hand and walking out
After walking many hours we got to the town and started walking around when we saw a bunch of people looking at us I wasn't bothered by it because I wouldn't be surprised if they were staring at Lex because she is fucking hot as hell we walked in a coffee shop and got in line after waiting in line it was our turn to order "Hello! How may I help you?" The server asks "Uhhh, can we have 2 caramel fraps?" Lex asks "Yes! Is that it?" The server asks "Yes" I say and the lady walks off and then we sit down at a table we then hear a door open and we see 2 police men with guns in their hand walking towards us "How the fuck are you alive?" One of the policemen asks "I'm sorry?" Lex asks kindly "I fucking said! How. The. Fuck. Are. You. Alive? You little bitch" The policeman says angrily "I don't know what your talking about" Lex says trying to sound calm, but losing her mind "You know exactly what I mean!" The policeman says then shooting us in the head "You fucking murders" The policeman says then dragging us to his car
The End......and moral of the story don't play truth or dare the night Y/Ns mom dies

How did this happen?
Mystery / ThrillerYour mom died an hour ago when we went to Lexs house to play truth or dare with Jimmy......What will happen?