chapter fourteen

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tw // very very brief mentions of alcohol, drugs, and suicide attempt.

"Let's talk okay?"

George nodded and sat back down on his bed, his back facing the window and his front facing his desk. Dream took a seat next to him and lightly rested his hand on top of George's. Clays hand was much bigger in comparison to George's, his hands felt dainty and looked pale in comparison to Clays bigger tan-ish ones.

Dream let out a sigh "What happened George?" He looked over at the small brunette.

George also let out a small sigh, keeping his eyes glued to his desk "You know I'd sit in that chair every single night. I'd open those books and read them front to back, memorizing all the material. Then i'd do it again, and again." George looked up at his ceiling now "I haven't sat in that desk chair for a bit. Feels weird y'know?" George now looked at Dream "Change can be scary. Change is scary."

Dream let his other hand fall across George's cheek, rubbing it slightly "I know change can be scary. But George, this isn't just about school. I'm worried for you." Dream looked into George's lifeless eyes, ones that were once a beautiful honey brown were now darkened and reflected back Dreams guilt ridden face.

George looked back at his desk, causing Dreams hand to fall from his cheek "It is though, isn't it? I've always had a problem with not being good enough. That's why my Dad left, that's why Schlatt bullies me. It's weird, in a way, i'm almost thankful for that. It kept me motivated."

Dream played with George's fingers "George I told you already, they do those things because they're assholes. You are such an amazing human, with such a bright future ahead of you. It's not all about school." So much truth was laced over Dreams voice, he was practically begging for George to believe him.

George looked back at Dream "I got early acceptance to Stanford a few days back. School got me there."

Dream titled his head "I'm really happy for you George, but are you even listening to what i'm saying?" His eyes filled with hurt.

He was doing this all for George. Someone he had literally just met this year, he was constantly by his side. For fucks sake he's trying for the first time to actually get sober. All for George. And he still won't even listen.

George bit his upper lip "I am listening Dream." George changed positions and faced Dream now "I-I feel so out of control, I don't know what to do" His voice slightly faltering at the end "I keep telling myself to get up and study. A-and care about things. But I-I" George rubbed his eyes with his free hand "I just feel so lost."

Dream rested his other hand on George's free one "I'm here George. I can help you, you just have to let me try" Dreams voice was quiet, almost a whisper.

George just nodded.

Dream breathed in and let his chest fall "I want to start off by saying, I'm sorry. I shouldn't have pushed all these new things on to you so quickly. I can't even imagine how you felt." Dream continued "I just felt so connected to you. I know it sounds dumb, but I just couldn't stay away from you."

George interrupted Dream before he could continue "I know you said to listen, and I am, but please don't apologize."

Dream just nodded and then continued "Okay, I won't. I just wanted to remind you that if you're feeling down, like how you've been, there are people who truly care for you. Just call Sapnap, Karl, Quackity, or me and we will be there. I promise."

George put on a sad smile, he just felt guilty for feeling this way "Thank you Dream"

Dream smiled back and tried to lighten the mood, "I met Ella."

Under the Bleachers | (AU) DreamnotfoundWhere stories live. Discover now