Agent Insert

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You'd had a thing for Bucky longer than you could remember.

It probably all started when Steve joined up and created this little ragtag team and took to you immediately. Your calming presence and warm smile lured him in and you became fast friends, giving Steve a bond he hadn't felt in a long time. You were the only one he trusted enough to tell about Bucky. He spoke of his suave friend with bucket loads of admiration and when he told stories of their shenanigans back in the day, his eyes would light up. You fell in love with the idea of a man glorious enough to make even displaced, war-scarred old Steve smile like a kid in Brooklyn again.

They say reality never lives up to the stories, but lord almighty were they wrong.

You first met Bucky when the business of the accords was in full swing, at the airport parking lot where you introduced Scott to the rest of the team. He hung back in Steve and Sam's tiny car, head hanging quietly as Scott got acquainted with everyone. You remember your eyes had wandered to his dark figure, head reeling as you realized this was the man who haunted your dreams. The infamous ladies man and fearsome soldier, James Buchanan Barnes.

The soldier of your dreams sat right until an announcement over the loudspeaker in another language rang through the parking garage and stumped all of you.

"They're evacuating the airport." He offered, no doubt picking up on the confusion on everyone's faces at the foreign words. At the sound of his voice, your eyes snapped up and immediately found his.

You hadn't believed in love at first sight, but the way his impossibly blue eyes made you heart clench... Well, there was no denying this is exactly what was happening.

Months passed and the super-soldier stayed in Wakanda, as did you. Steve stayed by your side as you both awaited Bucky's 'defrost' and when it finally happened, the first person Bucky smiled at was you.

Just like when you met Steve, the two of you became fast friends. He trusted you with his recovery enough to confide in you and try to make new memories with you. You even led him on his first several field missions and, as senior officer, had the final say in whether he belonged in the Avengers or not.

Of course, you said yes.

Over the months, your team became a symbol of hope and even unlikely celebrities. The attention was foreign, but not entirely unwelcome. You could get used to being stopped on the street, though you would never let your guard down, constantly aware of the fact that enemies could use this newfound fame to corner you and the team. Luckily though, you were almost always with Bucky when out and about and the large bear of a man effectively scared off any would-be assailants.

Kids adored you, constantly asking for your autographs, while adults asked for selfies and thanked you for your service. Although perhaps your favorite attention to come from the fame was from Tumblr.

Folks from all over the world posted about the team, of their love for specific members. Paparazzi photos of you would pop up from time to time, but yours were pretty scarce. The only ones that were taken almost always had Bucky glaring right at the camera as you smiled at him. You'd have been embarrassed that you'd been caught on film so many times staring at him, but who could blame you? He was an Adonis!

People picked up on the stares though.

Some users sided with you "she's only human! And he is just so...well, look at him!" Other's condemned you. "Seriously? How could he ever notice someone like her? #BuckDeservesBetter"

Those stung. But if growing up in the 21st century taught you anything, it's that fans were only jealous and no one was safe. You could ignore the hate though.

Agent InsertWhere stories live. Discover now