(3) silent

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i made this one short because of my other books but to make up for it i will post another chapter of the same length as this one again this week. i deeply apologize for the inconvenience. 


tsukishima kept himself silent.

 despite being slightly startled by bokuto jumping onto him, almost dropping his phone. he fell onto kuroo who was still thrown off by the silent treatment he was given for no apparent reason, still; he chuckled at the other ex-captain's actions. of course, because of the challenge tsukki didn't show any visible reaction instead, he untangled bokuto from him and got up. taking his phone he left the room without a word. leaving a very confused bokuto, a frowning kuroo at the sudden actions and a mixed feeling akaashi. 

"tsukki? where are you going?" he didn't look back as he made his way to the bedroom. 


"what was that about?" the bedhead boy asked akaashi, to which he shrugged at. a small glint of concern in his metallic eyes. "he wouldn't talk to me.", the ex-setter replied before thinning his lips, shifting his eyes to bokuto. 

"maybe he's having a bad day?" the frosted tipped-owl suggested. 

"he wouldn't look at me..his eyes were only fixed on his phone." akaashi replied. 

"i'm kinda worried...i mean what if he's going through something? but then again ko could be right." kuroo pointed out.

"we should go cheer him up then!" bokuto's toothy smile spread across his face as the words slipped from his lips. 

"how about we make dinner first?"

"tetsu's cooking!" 

"wh-it's your turn!"

"yeah but you make better food!"

"I agree with ko." 

"you guys suck."


after a number amount of minutes, while kuroo was working on dinner, bokuto went and set out the table; leaving akaashi to check on kei. 


opening the bedroom door, he watched as the blonde boy lay on the bed; scrolling through his phone, with a slightly tired expression displayed throughout his face. "firefly?" 

tsukishima once again stayed silent as akaashi walked over to him, sitting near his body, close to the edge of the large bed. 

"is there something wrong? you haven't been talking to us all day."


akaashi's eyebrows furrowed. 

he watched as tsukishima stare at his phone as if he was more important than him. 

it bugged him. 

his husband should be looking at him, not that. 

what was he even doing on there?

akaashi felt some sort of feeling stinging his body. 

"kei, look at me."


the raven-haired boy started to find himself glaring.


three boys jealous over a phone (bokuakakurotsuki)Where stories live. Discover now