2. Blond Savior

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When you roused, you were in a completely foreign room, your leg was casted up halfway to your kneecap. You looked feverishly around for any indicators of where you were.

One thing you did notice was that your sword was gone. You tried to wrack your mind to see if you had and recollections of getting here.

Then you recalled your blond savior.

Pushing your heavy body up, you tried to escape the futon you were resting on. There was a lithe of danger in the air, but you didn't know why.

Maneuvering around, you managed to your feet and forced most of your weight on your uninjured leg. You had a sense that you needed to leave here. But as you made your way to the door, it slid open, and there he was.

He froze as he looked down at you, his head tilting as a blank smile settled on his face.

"Good morning!"

You scrunched your face in bewilderment. That's all he had to say?

"Good morning?? Where am I?" You blurted, your voice shaky and exasperated.

"My, so many questions! You should be resting," the male dodged your question briefly as he guided you back to the bed and sat you down. "You're in my home of course! Don't be alarmed, I've been taking good care of you." He mused, multicolored eyes never leaving you.

"Wh- how long has it been?" You asked quietly as you sat down.

"A day," he continued to put you in the bed.

Once you were seated, he gently fixed your hair, his smile never wavering. You couldn't help but feel an air of foreboding in his presence. You moved your gaze up to his multicolored eyes before taking in the engravings.

Those- they couldn't get there naturally. There would be no way they'd function either if they were the eyes of humans. Panic settled under your skin. You didn't know what a moon was, but considering he was marked an upper rank, you must have stumbled into the hands of someone exceedingly close to the first demon.

He seemed to notice you recoil from him. His head tilting as his long nails slowly raked their way out of your locks.

"What is it? Have I harmed you?" He asked quietly.

You shook your head gently,  "No, you haven't." You needed to play smart, the man before you had to be a demon. You also did not have your weapon, so you couldn't let him know you were aware of this.

"Oh good!" He clapped gleefully. "Now then, let's get to the fun stuff! My name's Douma, what's yours? Friends should know each other's names after all."

"Hanasaki Y/N." You muttered as you watched him closely for any signs of malicious intent. He wasn't out to eat you yet, at least as far as you could read him.

"Y/N.... Y/N.... Hm! Such a lovely name!" He chimed, his eyes shutting briefly as his smile didn't waver. When his eyes opened again, he had a sort of blank, in-thought expression. "Silly me! Now that you're awake, you should eat." He rose to his feet, laughing at himself as he practically danced across the floor to the door.

"I'll be back, Y/N kun, don't go anywhere!" He half joked before sliding the door shut.

You gripped your hands into fists as you let go of the breath you didn't know you were holding. This was truly the worst situation to be in. You were at the mercy of a demon, and most likely very strong one. He also had to know you were a slayer, which meant any wrong move that could upset him may wind up getting you killed.

Douma returned rather quickly with a tray, his face radiating joy as he sat beside you. "Now you ought to eat a lot if you want to get better," he mused as he spooned a mouthful of miso soup and gave it a calculated blow before moving it towards your mouth.

"You don't need to feed me, my hands are just fi- nhmph." Before you managed the whole sentence out, he pushed the spoon in, damn near choking you as he forced you to swallow.

You coughed quietly and wiped the tears that pricked your eyes. "Hello?? Did you not hear a word I said?" You huffed up the blond, your voice slightly raspy. You gaze was met with soft rainbow hues, as though he genuinely didn't think he would have harmed you with that action.

"I apologize," he mumbled, his head drooping as he seemed disheartened.

You puffed your chest at the display before you let out a sigh. You were a little harsh. "It's fine... You can continue to feed me...." You grumbled, your cheeks tinted the faintest pink as you caved. You couldn't make him too upset, who knew what would occur then. But his sort of childish displays made it easy for you to slip into a false sense of security.

You opened your mouth this time with the intent to eat, and he delivered the spoonful after cooling it evenly. This sort of ritual went on until there were only scraps on the tray. The demon smiled softly once you were done, "see? That wasn't so bad. Your face is a little bit of a mess though."

You grumbled softly at that as he began to wipe your face with the napkin he brought.  He gently wiped the leftovers of your meal from your face, his eyelids lowered in concentration. "Mh... You don't need to wipe my mouth for me either."

He tilted his head to the side, "but I want to!" He placed the napkin down and gently ruffled your hair before standing up with the tray again. "Now you rest up. You won't be getting anywhere if you strain yourself." He chuckled as he stepped out the room, leaving you alone yet again with your thoughts.

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