one-two ♪

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I was woken up by the absolutely amazing completely loveable sound of the iphone alarm. I grabbed my phone and realized that we had a flight to catch, so I rolled out of bed and went to go find Wilbur.

I was staying in the guest bedroom, which was the only down stairs room, so I matched up wills spiral staircase and found his bedroom door.

"up and at em bud, touring starts now." I said, leaving to go to the bathroom. I combed out my (h/c) hair so I didn't look like I just rolled out of a grave and decided a low messy bun was a fitting style for today. after brushing my teeth I went to go make sure will was up.

"oh my god you're an actual toddler get your ass up or I'm smoking all the weed, you'll get none."

"okay for one you're like 2 feet tall so who's the real toddler, and for two, I pay for that shit."

"sorry wilbyyy~" I said, running back to my room to get dressed before he registered what I had said.

obviously I didn't need an amazing out for, today was just a plane ride so I decided on some random leggings and a grey jumper, to make it look slightly more presentable I added a black jean jacked and some accessories.

by the time I was don't getting dressed I decided to just grab some yogurt from the fridge and head out since Irene would kill me if we missed our flight, "WILL LET'S GO YOU'RE DRIVING" I yelled up the stairs.

eventually he stumbled down the stairs in plain grey joggers and crew neck with a turtle neck underneath, "Jesus you're loud, c'mon let's go" he said, grabbing his keys.


I settled into my seat on the plane and took out my ear buds. I got out next to will, ash and mark were in front of us, and Joe was behind us. we got to rude first class which was nice, but it was still just a random airline.

I offered will an earbud which he graciously accepted and I played girl scout cookies by mom jeans.

I felt the plane start to lift off of the ground. I've never had a problem with planes but I knew Wilbur did so I reached over and grabbed his hand, giving it a reassuring squeeze, and feeling a soft smile play at my lips when he squeezed back.

god no y/n, the man is just afraid of planes


I have to admit the plane ride was rather uneventful, concidering will and I both slept for most of it, but eventually we were in the states. after getting off of the plane I was met with Irene, who pulled me into a quick hug and handed me the list of tour destinations.

Dallas, TX
Manhattan, NYC
Orlando, FL
Washington DC
Chicago IL
Miami FL
Topeka KS
Orange Beach AL
Brooklyn MI
Boone NC


it was definitely a good amount of shows but I was excited none the less, my first ever tour! that's great! I was super hyped, and my band mates were really just my best friends so it would be enjoyable no matter what.

Irene have all of us a hug and called a driver to take us to the busses, "are you excited?" mark said, strolling up next to me, looking tired as hell, "yeah for sure! it's super cool to see my dreams folding out in front of me." I said, looking over to him, "yeah I feel you. I dropped out of collage for this so let's hope it's everything I want it to be" he joked while watching our car pull up. I chuckled and got in the back.

"I want window seat!" I yelled, scrambling to get in the car, the four other boys following suit.

drunk mistakes♪ {Wilbur soot x reader}Where stories live. Discover now