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Welcome back or welcome to my shitshow mortals ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

So I was tagged by my sistAr Kill_me0_0
Go and follow her, she's da cutest uwu🥰

So I was tagged by my sistAr Kill_me0_0Go and follow her, she's da cutest uwu🥰

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Now, let's getta git get 🤠🥵

🍒Full name
- even if i told you, what will you do 🤨

🍒Zodiac sign
- Taurus Sun uwu♉

🍒3 Fears
- Internet going off forever😦
Ending up with a jerk during an apocalypse 😐
My mum finding out that I'm bisexual 😭

🍒3 things I love
- Internet
- Food
- Existence of flora

🍒4 turn ons
- Mysteriousness
- thoughtfulness
- a genuine smile
- passing my vibe check

🍒4 turn offs
- extreme vagueness
- a fake smile
- mysteriosness in a creepy way
- narcissistic psychopaths

🍒My best friend

🍒 Sexual orientation
- Bisexual and definitely not confused 😌

🍒My best first date
- at the age of 13 and the only date lmao

🍒How tall am I
- y'all are not ready for this 💀💀
174 cms 🤠✋

🍒What do I miss?
- old times where I could go wherever tf I wanted without thinking twice.

🍒What time was I born
- 10:00 am

🍒 Favorite color
- Every single color is meaningful and special on its own! I appreciate every single color out there, but green is the one which resonates with my ageless soul💚

🍒Do I have crush
- I stopped having crushes when I turned 14
Tmi- my last crush was a really reallyyy bad girl from school who got into trouble each time, but she was sexy asf😭

🍒 Favourite quote

Mdzs has literally taught me more life lessons than my school could ever lol

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Mdzs has literally taught me more life lessons than my school could ever lol

🍒 Favourite place
Any forest

🍒 Favourite food
Indian, Chinese and Italian cuisines

🍒Do I use sarcasm?

🍒What am I listening to rn?

🍒First thing I notice in new person?Their facial features

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🍒First thing I notice in new person?
Their facial features

🍒Shoe size
8 UK

🍒Eye color
Honey brown

🍒Hair color
Black with 4-5 white hair, I'm getting old 🤡

🍒 Favorite style of clothing
I'm not into girly shit but I also don't dress up like a tomboy all the time😩
I would say that I like to wear whatever makes me feel comfortable 😌✋

🍒Ever done a prank call?
Yeah lmao

🍒What color of underwear am I wearing rn?
Sea green🌚

🍒Meaning behind my URL
Bruh what

🍒 Favourite movie
I ain't got one, I'm not into movies lol

🍒 Favorite song
Currently it's "light years away" by G.E.M

🍒 Favorite band
Pls don't get me started on this one🌚💀

🍒How I feel rn?

🍒Someone I love.

🍒My current relationship status
Pringles are never single

🍒My relationship with my parents.
Idek anymore

🍒 Favorite holiday
Christmas break

🍒 Tattoos and piercings I have
Just two piercings on my ear lobes

🍒 Tattoos and piercings I want.

🍒The reason I joined Tumblr
I never joined 💀

🍒 Last book I read
Asteraceae (it's a taekook book)
I've not been an active reader these days 😩

🍒Do I ever get "gm" or "gn" texts?
Yeah 🥰

🍒Have I ever kissed the last person I texted?
I texted my teacher recently so 🤡

🍒When did I last hold hands
Ages ago, maybe 3 years ago idk

🍒How long does it take for me to get ready in the morning?
15 minutes

🍒Have I shaved my legs in the past three days?
Nah, I didn't even shaved them this summer coz we ain't going anywhere 🤡

🍒Where am I rn?
On my bed

🍒If I was drunk and can't stand, who's going to care of me?
Prolly my guy friend irl, he's the real mvp.

🍒Do I like my music loud or at reasonable volume?
At reasonable volume, I hate anything loud.

Thanks for coming by eheheh🥰🍒


Please forgive my unholy ass if I forgot someone 😭✋

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