Other Types of Meditation

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Mindfulness meditation:

Mindfulness meditation originates from Buddhist teachings. It combines concentration with awareness to result in a calmer, more aware state of mind. To practice mindfulness, simply pay attention to your thoughts as they pass through your mind. You do not need to become involved in the thoughts or judge them, just let them pass through and take note of any patterns that occur within your thoughts. During this practice, you may find it helpful to focus on your breath while you observe your thoughts and feelings.

Focused meditation:

This type of meditation can help clear the mind and increase focus. It is a simple type of meditation; all you have to do is focus on your breath. Notice how it flows in and out of your body. While it may seem simple, it can actually be hard to focus intensely on one thing for a long period of time. So, if your mind begins to wander, just gently guide your thoughts back to your breath. This can anchor your mind and maintain awareness of the present moment.

Body scan meditation:

This meditation technique is great to use while unwinding before bedtime. It aims to relax the body and mind, as well as relieve tension. This is achieved by doing a 'body scan'. Simply focus on each individual body part, starting at the top of your head and slowly working your way down to the tips of your toes. As you focus on each body part, breathe into it, releasing any tension and allowing it to fully relax. You can simply focus on one body part at a time, or you can imagine a wave of light energy slowly moving through your body, releasing tension as it moves its way through your body. This results in your body feeling relaxed, and perhaps even 'floaty'. This can be a great way to detach from your CR body before shifting.

Mantra meditation:

This meditation technique is similar to focused meditation. Instead of focusing on the breath, however, you focus on a mantra. This can be a syllable, word, or phrase. You could even use a shifting affirmation as a mantra. Once you have decided on your mantra, repeat it over and over in your head. If your mind wanders, gently focus your attention back on the mantra. Repeating the mantra encourages positive change, as the vibrations associated with the particular mantra attract into your life. It can create a deep state of meditation, as well as increased self-confidence and compassion.

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