|| Nathan Street - @Njstreet ||

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About Nathan Street

I've been working on my writing for many years, bouncing between different formats. I've got a background in film, so most of what I learned in school revolves around writing scripts. Despite the change is format, I do have quite a bit of experience critiquing others' work. Mostly I focus on narrative, if there is a clear story unfolding, and base any suggestions I have outward from there.

Nathan's total good critiques in the original Hurricane Book Club is 18!

What are you looking for in a critique partner?

I'd prefer someone who can give me broader feedback on the story. I don't need a ton of line-by-line edits. I'd be more interested in someone who wants to read further into the book so I can get more opinions of the later chapters.

What is your general availability?

I'm fairly busy, so a lighter schedule of 1 or 2 chapters a week would be ideal.

Story Info:

Title: Blood and Beasts

Genre: Horror

Status: Completed

Mature: Yes

Description: Cara's family was taken from her as a teenager, and she spent the years after learning everything she could about the dark creatures responsible, trying desperately to save others from the same fate. But now those evil forces are gathering, and the few that are left fighting against them are being torn apart. In a world with demons, werewolves, vampires and a powerful cult of elite fanatics lurking in the shadows, is there any hope of salvation?

What type of feedback are you looking for: I'm curious if the plot is interesting and makes sense as the story goes on. I've gotten a lot of specific feedback on the first few chapters, so now I'm more interested to know what impressions people may have on how things progress further into the story. These can be more general thoughts, but I'm hoping to get a sense of whether larger, sweeping changes need to be made before I continue nit-picking each line that's already there. 

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