The Call of the Soul part III

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The Call of the Soul Part III

 The Author: Heaven coast


 Yaman remained convinced that he wasn't dreaming,  ignoring Cenger's worried look as he came to bring him his coffee, and concentrated on trying to resolve the issue once and for all to bring Seher and Yusuf back as Nedim enters. in his office without knocking on the door, which was not like him, and that meant trouble and the friend's face confirmed his suspicions, who bluntly went straight to the point:

 — Yaman we're in trouble

 —That I know Nedim, by the way!!  Lately this phrase has been used a lot by you

 -And I know, you're right beyond all we've ever had, now comes a greater good

 —My dear, it can't be bigger than what I have now, my wife abandoned me remember!?

 —Of course I remember Yaman!!  Even if I tried, you wouldn't let me forget!!  But let's stop joking and let's get straight to the point!

 — That's right Nedim!  Come on!!  Haunt me!!  What problem could be bigger than that!?

 “The steward is on his way here now!!  He found the red herrings you planted to convince her of your guilt, and Firat came to the former Yusurf nanny at the time, who did exactly what you told him to, told the steward who saw you push Kevser.

 - You must be kidding!!  this woman is crazy

 —Crazy not friend!!  She just did what you asked, remember!?  If anyone reads asked, she was supposed to say that she saw you push Kevser down the stairs, I remember all the letters!!  And if there was someone crazy in this story!!  That would be you!!

 “But that was just for her to talk to Seher!!  Not for the police!!

 —Unfortunately you didn't specify my dear!! And she told whoever asked!!  In addition to the lady's testimony, we have one more aggravating factor, the video you showed to seher was leaked

 "How did it leak!!?"

 “Someone else probably had access to her phone, and copied the video, and somehow it got into the hands of the police.


 —maybe, but think about someone else before you blame them, remember that you've already lived this sad experience!!

 — Just last week I sent my cell phone to the concert, what interest would a cell phone technician have in copying a video like that!?

 —A video showing Yaman kirimili, practicing domestic violence against a woman!?  Who was murdered days later!?  I believe it would raise a lot of interest, especially if this technician knows you and all your history!!  And in your case, which conquered more enemies than friends, everything is possible!!

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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