The Losing Battle

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P/N: Dedicated to Nirbhaya

For all those who don't know Nirbhaya, its the nickname given to the girl was gang raped in Delhi in December 2012. Unfortunately she passed away on the 28th of DEC. 

RIP braveheart.. you need justice...

The Losing Battle

Her eyes grew red and teary, her hands a bloody mess

Her lips split, her cheeks stained, and she was in a ripped dress.

Her innocence was captured, so was her smile

Her beautiful brown eyes, hidden in his vile.

She made one mistake, one just one.

She boarded the bus of a motherless son.

She made one mistake, one just one.

And now her life as she knew it was gone

Her honour and dignity, her prized possessions 

Her femininity and her Valour, all, stolen

She cried repeatedly, begging him to stop

But all fell on deaf ears

It left her scarred, a fountain of tears

She fought for her will, her life in her hands

But stood between her legs was the motherless man

She sobbed and she begged

She screamed and she pleaded

But all that remained in his eyes was lust

He aimed to test the thought that came first

This woman, this girl; was meant for his pleasing 

This woman, this girl; was for his every bidding

She punched and hit, but nothing could she do

This very thought the beast really knew

She stared her innocence, her pleading eyes at his face

But all the soul-less man did was increase his pace

Whatever sanctity and security she had

Was torn and ripped by a man so bad

She knew her trust in everything was stolen

The ironical relationship of brother was broken

Yet she fought and she fought, forcing herself to win

And he forced her back down, doing things against her will

She had been an independent woman, independent was she

And now she was his toy, nothing else, wasn't she?

The humiliation of being stripped, no one can understand her pain

The force against her will, no one can understand her pain

The rape she endured, no one can understand her pain

The life she had worked for, gone, No one can understand her pain

Yet she fought and she fought, the losing battle of faith

The king of death at her door, ready to take

But when the doctors asked her what she wanted from them still,

Nirbhaya answered them, "I want to live".

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