a girl by the name Moira hamaski moved away from her home in london after her father and mother got a divorce,she chose to live with her mother and they moved all the way to forks washington,Moira attends a new school and has to make new friends,she...
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My name is Moira Alice Rose. I'm 17 years old. I live in London, or well, I used to until my mother decided we should move away from my beloved home town in Chelsea. I don't think it's fair. I had no choice between living with my father Chris or my mother Elizabeth. I remember when she dropped the bomb and we were leaving London. I started sobbing on the spot. She's making me leave my home,my friends,my life,everything!
Luckily, me and my mother were able to move within enough time before the start of the second semester. Great! Just perfect, new friends, new life, new everything—exactly what I want after living in London my whole life.
my mother said "we all move on in life,it's hard and can be tough making the right decisions for what's right but I know that me and your father won't be able to move on and succeed properly staying with each other like we have,I'm ready for a change and so is he and I think it will be great for a change not only for our family but for me and you too, your father and I have made the decision you'll be living with me until you're 18 or how ever long you want to stay but until you're able to legally make your own living decisions you're coming to forks,washington with me while I try out this new job opportunity I was offered,it's a huge change sweetheart I know but I think you'll come to love my decision".
They've been divorced for a little over 5 months now. They tried to make it work but still failed quite miserably. They say the feelings of "love are still there, but not so much in a romantic aspect, more so "you're the parent to my child". It didn't take my father long to "move on." He has a fling with some waitress at a small diner he's been to for the past month. I could practically taste the bitterness in my mouth when my mother was telling me all about it.
I can see why she's upset. I think I'd be upset too if my significant other moved on so quickly with someone else, even if we'd gotten a divorce, especially after 20 years! I think I'd combust into flames just from the heartache.
We'd arrived in Washington on Tuesday night. My mother had all our belongings packed and shipped to our home on Sunday morning. Unfortunately, we'd have to do all the unpacking ourselves since we know absolutely nobody here.
It hasn't even been a week in Forks,my new home, and I'm already yearning for London. Instead of the endless moping around, I decided to make my room a bit more comfortable and cozy. I can't believe how cloudy and rainy it is! London definitely has rainy days, but nothing compared to this! Although breathtaking in nature's beauty and green freshness, I can't help but miss the warm sun on my skin.
"I groan" might as well get started with my room; I have a lot to unpack and put together.