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Friday, March 23rd, 1984. Shermer High School. Shermer, Illinois 60062:

Scott Palmer walked into the new school that day. He got looks from several of the student faculty as well as several of the students as well. It was his first day of school, one he wasn't exactly looking forward to. In fact, it was even harder that he had to transfer during the school year under shall we say, less desirable circumstances....

Scott walked into the classroom and took a seat in the middle. He tried not to get noticed by anybody. A geeky student in front of him turns around:

"Excuse me. I just had to remark on your awesome outfit. I think it's really cool." He said. "Thanks, I just wanted to make a good first impression." Scott replied. "You definitely succeeded." the geek replied. "Sucks to be the new kid huh?" He asked. "Not really, you get used to it where I come from." Scott replied. "I'm Brian." He said. "I'm Scott. Nice to meet you." Scott replied. "Same." Brian said smiling. "Mrs. Russell keeps this class pretty interesting. You'll love her."

Suddenly, a severe looking man in a gray dated suit comes walking in:

"Who the hell is this, a substitute?" Scott asked. "Ugh. That's our Vice Principal Richard Vernon." Brian replied. "Attention people!" the man said. "Your ordinary teacher has been indisposed for the entire semester, so I'll be taking charge until further notice; You might actually get an education for a change." "Only if it's a course on how to be an asshole." A jock in a blue Shermer letter jacket said with a smirk as he tried to stifle a snicker. Vernon stares at him for a painfully long time before until Andrew looks down at his desk. "I thought so." Vernon replied. "Anyone else with a comment?" He asked.  "Yeah, I learned how much it sucks to be here." Scott said with a snark. "Something you'd like to share with rest of the class sir?" Vernon said looking to Scott. "Yeah, I'd be happy to; You want me to write it down?" Scott replied. "As quickly as you can." Vernon said sarcastically. "OK. I'll put this down on the chalkboard so you can actually read my lips." Scott said as he walked up to the chalkboard. Scott ended up writing the middle finger on the board while drawing an arrow pointing to the word Vernon. As he wrote another message on the board he exclaimed:!" His message got a few laughs, giggles, and snickers from several other students. "That's it Mr. Wiseguy, you've just earned yourself a Saturday detention." the man said. "Not bad for my first day. I'm already making an impression on you." Scott said. "Oh really, I'm sure that's exactly what you want me to think." the man said. "It doesn't matter what you think!" Scott yelled back insultingly. "I'll see you Saturday. I've got a nice surprise for you." the man said smiling, as he then handed Scott a detention slip.

"Son of a bitch." Scott said as he sighed and sat back down in his chair.

Quite the intro for my character huh? First day of school and he's already made an impact, albeit not a very positive one. Anyways, detention starts in the next chapter.

"Rebel With A Cause" or..."Detention Day at Shermer High"Where stories live. Discover now