Chapter 7- More work

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The event has ended so now everyone is saying goodbye to each other.  Idolish7,Trigger,Revale are together talking soon to leave.

"Let's go to Idolish7 dorms so we can hang out more,"said Momo.

"I don't think we are allowed to right now," said Tenn.

"I won't allow it. Trigger has work tomorrow so they will be going straight to their places,"said Mr. Yaotome angrily.

"Wow I didn't really think the so-called rumors were true, you do get angry easily Yao-san" said Hiko walking up to everyone.

"Hiko!"yelled everyone, surprised to see him at the moment.

"I-i just want Trigger to be ready. That's all Mr. Nanase. I apologize for my rude behavior" said Mr. Yaotome, bowing a little, making everyone shocked since he had never been like that. But Gaku took this opportunity to be able to hang with Idolish7 and Revale.

"Hey dad, can I and the others go hang with Idolish7 and Revale?"asked Gaku, smirking.

Before Mr. Yaotome could say anything Hiko spoke.

"Oh you are hanging out, that's amazing! Please take care of my Riku-kun!"said Hiko.

"Wait, Idolish7's center is related to you?! That usele-"said Mr. Yaotome

"Shut up.. We are not related but don't insult him before I end the contract we have~ And I know you wouldn't want that right~" said Hiko still smiling but had a dark aura around him. He is known to be super scary when people mess with his dear ones.

"S-sorry M-mr. Nanase.."said Mr. Yaotome, scared of Hiko.

"Yay now we can all hang out! Oh how about we all stay over for the night!"said Mitsuki.

"Hai!"shouted everyone, happy that they could hang out. 

They all went to their own dorms to get things ready quickly and some clothes. 

Soon Revale came first then Trigger.

 They all had dinner together and stayed up for a bit. They soon decided on where they were going to sleep.

"So I'm sleeping with Yamato, Ryuu sleeping in Sogo's room while Sogo is with Tamaki. Yuki and Momo are sharing Iori's room while he sleeps with his brother. Then where is Tenn gonna sleep?"said Gaku, making sure everything was done.

"Well we would say he sleeps with Riku but he's already asleep and his door is locked," said Yuki.

"I'll just sleep with the Izumi brothers then,"said Tenn.

"Huh, why not sleep with me??"asked Nagi.

"Do you have any objection.."answered Tenn with a dark aura behind him.

"N-n-no I'm fine.."said Nagi, scared for his life.

"Yea that's fine now let's all go to sleep now it's really late"said Ryuu.

Soon everyone went to sleep but one. Turns out Riku wasn't asleep.

In Riku's room
'Sigh I'm done with the work now. Everyone should be asleep by now also' thought Riku while putting his computer away.

Riku opened his door slowly so he went to the kitchen, trying not to make any noises so no one would wake up. Soon enough he was in the kitchen.

'Let me get some tea so my coughing won't be so bad tonight' Riku got some things for his tea and soon started to make some. He then heard some footsteps and a door open coming to the kitchen.

"Who's there?"asked Sogo, opening the door slowly. He then heard a cough so he knew who he was. "Riku, what are you doing? It's late. You should be in bed"asked Sogo, being really worried and walking up to Riku.

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