anyone in this FUCKINg sever knows the drill

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Once upon a PornHub, there were many characters I'm adding known as: Handsome Booger, Horny Buni, Faggot Sand, his Love Interest Zabe, Obama, George Washington, Tommy, and Imp and the background character Koi.

Booger and Obama were holding hands in the closet and then Sand bursted in.

"Obama how could you do this to me" Sand cried

"Because Booger was just so secsy"

Sand ran away crying and ran into Zabe.

"Hey Sand-senpee" Zabe spoke

"Omg Zabe" Sand squeaked

"We should vore" Zabe said, smirking

"Oh my god, yES daddy !!" Sand exclaimed

Tommy cringed in the background as he wrote this.

Zabe began to vore Sand whole. Sand kicked at Zabe stomach.

"Shhh Sand" Zabe spoke patting his full stomach

Washington walked over "You VORED my future husband!" he shouted


Washington cried and ran away.

Koi walked by Washington and smacked his ass. That's it. That's your background, Koi.

"Obama and Booger are holding hands and I'm angy so let's hold hands" Buni spoke

"But that's illegal 😳" Tommy replied

"Nothing's illegal if you get caught," Buni smirked, holding Tommy's hand.

Tommy blushed.

Koi stood being like "wtf am i staring at"

Later on, Zabe barfed up Sand, very disgusting but it happened, and they got married and vored everyday.

And then everyone had a 9-some

The end.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 25, 2021 ⏰

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