So Many Secrets

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Crimson smiles at his reaction but then Alistair looks at her sadly which worries her "Whats the matter?" Then all of a sudden he pulls Crimson into another room "Does anything about me seem familiar to you?" Crimson thinks for a second then says "Yeah..your name seems familiar but i just cant think where I've heard it from.."  Crimson once again pauses to think "Isn't that the name of the Spirit Emperor?"  Her eyes widen and she backs away nervously saying "S-stay back! i-i can kill y-you in one s-swipe!!"  Alistair walks closer to her and says "I wont hurt you i promise!"  Crimson backs away even more and then couches against a wall and says "s-stay away!!"  She then puts her arms over her head and starts to cry in pure fear Alistair crouches down in front of her and says "I swear i wont hurt you Crimson, i never would" Crimson says through her tears "W-well you killed my mother and then took me away from my Grandmother!!"  Alistair looks surprised and wonders who her mother was "who...who was your Mother Crimson"  Crimson snuffles and says "My Mother was Lady Ebony Glitch"  Alistair looks at her surprised and says "I never killed your Father did...i didn't want him to but he did and now he expects me to kill you since your from that bloodline but i dont want to be like him so im making it my goal to protect you and kill my Father..."  Crimson nods and says "I will help you, Alistair"  He looks at her in shock but happy that she wants to help.

Alistair sits next to her and hugs her, he mutters "I will protect you with my life..."

The next morning Crimson wake up in the same spot but lying on Alistair's lap, she looks up at him and sits up still trying to process what happened  "Good morning sleepy head" Crimson looks at him and pouts "shut up" Alistair laughs. As Crimson gets up she falls right back down and Alistair only just caught her "You okay?" Crimson looks at him and tries to say something but before she could her eyes go completely white and she starts coughing up blood... 

Alistair picks her up and puts her on the bed "shit...that fucking day light demon cursed her" He then picks her up and uses his abilities to fly to the mountain she had been telling him about. He knocks on the door and the old woman answers "Umm Hello Miss I was wondering if you could help me?" The lady sees Crimson and shouts to her husband and he comes running out "What happened to my girl??"  "She was badly cursed by a day light demon and needs help desperately but i dont know how to lift curses" The man tells them to come in and he puts Crimson on a bed, the man checks Crimson over and says "She will be okay and she will recover in 2 days but until then you must give her food and water and look after her, okay young man?"  He nods and says I "will take her back to my house" the old man looks at him oddly and says "I think she should stay here since you hardly know her"  Alistair looks at the man and frowns "She's my best friend we have helped each other so much..." "Fine, but if you hurt her even once I WILL Kill you, got it?"  Alistair nods and takes Crimson back to his house.

1 day has passed and Crimson is starting to regain movement,vocals and hearing so Alistair talks to her a lot now "Im back from the overwo- I mean the market!" He walks over to her and gives her some water, she smiles which makes Alistair smile even more knowing that shes happy with him, Alistair then sits next to her bed and talks about stories from his past and how long he's been alive for and how spirits will live forever unless killed and things like that. Another day has passed and Crimson should be waking up on this day, Alistair comes running in saying "Good morning!!" With the biggest smile on his face which makes Crimson smile as she can finally open her eyes  "You can see!!!" Crimson gives a small nod and talks to him through his mind and says "If you help me get up I might be able to walk" He sits on the bed and says "I will help you get up...but only if you promise not to freak out when I tell you something surprising from now on okay?"  She nods. Alistair helps her up but he completely forgot that she is wearing his silk pajamas since she didn't have any which made him blush so he accidentally let go of Crimson and as he looks down at her she is laughing so hard as his whole face was bright red "You can speak again!"  "Yup! Thanks to your lobster face" She continues to laugh at him and he pouts because of it Crimson looks at him and says "aww im sorry" He sits down next to her and says "Lets get this over with hmph" 

Alistair helps her up once again and helps her walk around but then he lets go and smiles as he watches Crimson unknowingly walk all by her self  "Good job! walking all by your self!"  Crimson turns around to see Alistair at the other end of the room she then runs over to him and hugs him while saying "Thank you so much for everything over the past week.."  Alistair looks down so see Crimson hugging him very tightly and looks at her in aw he then hugs her back and says "I've hardly done anything for you....yet.."

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