Chapter 3

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Chapter 3

"I'm going to show you around Thunderclan territory. Remember to stay with me at all times, okay?" Bluefang ordered sternly. Thunderpaw nodded eagerly. "Can Firepaw come too?" She asked pleadingly. Her paws scuffled the ground excitedly as she begged once more, "Please, please, please? Pretty, pretty please with fresh-kill on top?" Bluefang gave in. "Fine," She caved.

Thunderpaw let out a squeal. "Thank you!" Bluefang looked annoyed that she was not immune to Thunderpaw's extremely cute looks. Thunderpaw raced to find her brother in the apprentices' den. The lazy furball was still sleeping. "Firepaw!" She hissed quietly. Her brother let out a groan and rolled over sleepily. Thunderpaw gave his shoulder a shake so hard he nearly rolled out of his nest.

His eyes popped open in surprise and he yowled out, "I'm awake! I'm awake!" Thunderpaw's eyes widened and her eyes narrowed again as her ears flattened and she shushed, "Quiet! They are still sleeping!" Her tail pointed to the other snoring apprentices. Her brother stared at her in confusion. "So why aren't you?"

Thunderpaw snorted disbelievingly as she led her brother to where her mentor was chatting with Eaglewing. "Excuse me? We are apprentices now! We are supposed to explore the territory today, you stupid furball!" Thunderpaw chided, annoyed that her brother had forgotten. His eyes brightened as she finished, then darkened as a flash of longing lit up in his eyes.

"What? Aren't you excited?"

"I am! I mean, I am, but I'm just a bit tired..." Firepaw rushed out with wide eyes. Thunderpaw's eyes narrowed. "Are you-" She began, but was cut off by an impatient meow. "Are you two going to stand there all day?" Eaglewing's meow cut through the silent clearing like a clap of thunder in the middle of the night. The two apprentices dashed towards their respective mentors and apologized sincerely.

"I'm sorry, Eaglewing. There's just so much to talk about now..." Firepaw explained. His mentor's eyes softened a little. "I understand, but now I must show you around first. There will be plenty of time for chit-chat later, okay?" Eaglewing promised. Firepaw nodded enthusiastically, "Then let's go!"


"I'm really, really tired," Thunderpaw mumbled around a mouthful of fresh-kill. "Squirrels are so hard to catch! I saw like three of them but only barely managed to catch the last one. Why can't they move slower?" Thunderpaw complained with a thump of her tail. Firepaw nodded in agreement as he gulped down his vole.Then he stretched and yawned, revealing sharp, white teeth.

"Hey, Thunderpaw! What did you catch today?" A low sneer sounded at her ear. Firepaw glared at the other apprentice. "Stay away from my sister!" He spat acidly. Wolfpaw growled and lashed his tail in annoyance. "You can't tell me what to do, kitty pet!" Firepaw's ears flattened in anger. His neck fur bristled. He took a menacing step towards the older apprentice. Thunderpaw whimpered.

"What. Did. You. Call. Me?"

Wolfpaw was undaunted. "A kitty pet, you flea-pelt. You are a disgrace to Thunderclan! You will destroy Thunderclan someday. See, even Starclan doesn't trust you!" He sneered softly, his green eyes glowing. His teeth were bared threateningly, his claws unsheathed. Firepaw growled back, "Lying mange-pelt!" Thunderpaw looked on with wide eyes, but she did not say anything.

"Wolfpaw, Thunderpaw, Firepaw! In my den, now!" Lionstar ordered with a swish of his tail. His eyes were narrowed, his fur bristling slightly. The three apprentices stared at each other in horror, and Wolfpaw looked particularly guilty.The tension built up in the air around them, and by the time they were comfortably settled in their leader's den, it was getting almost hard to breathe.

For a moment, no one uttered a word. Then Lionstar broke the unsettling silence by glaring suspiciously at Wolfpaw. "Wolfpaw, why did you call your clanmates that? And why did you mention Starclan? Did you have a dream?" Wolfpaw's eyes were wide as saucers, and his tongue felt heavy as lead. He couldn't manage an answer.

"Wolfpaw!" Lionstar snapped angrily, his eyes flashing.

"Y-yes, Lionstar!" He stuttered in surprise, blinking nervously. He refused to meet his clan leader's piercing gaze. He could feel Lionstar, Thunderpaw and Firepaw's eyes burning holes into his pelt. Stop looking at me, he wanted to yowl. But he kept silent, swallowing the bile in his throat. He couldn't know! Oh, me and my big mouth. Why did I ever taunt Firepaw?

"Wolfpaw, did you hear me? This is serious! Do you understand?" Lionstar's voice was harsh, on the edge. His fur was bristling slightly, his eyes staring at Wolfpaw anxiously. Why wasn't he answering? Does he know something I don't? Wolfpaw whimpered and bowed his head. "I'm sorry, Lionstar!" He finally whispered.

"I didn't have a dream, but I heard you and Amberleaf talking in the den, so I-I eavesdropped. I heard you say two cats, that are obviously Thunderpaw and-" Lionstar let out a snarl and Wolfpaw cowered, letting out a frightened yelp. "Do not throw about these illogical accusations at your clanmates unless you have concrete proof. How would you like Thunderpaw and Firepaw calling you a kitty pet, or being cursed by Starclan?"

Wolfpaw's eyes widened in remorse as he stammered out, "I-I-I-" Lionstar growled, his eyes gleaming meaningfully. "These cats have already lost their parents; they don't need another mouse-brain taunting them like that. Understand, Wolfpaw? And do not ever eavesdrop again. Too much knowledge isn't always the best. And let the words that we said in this den, stay here. Have I made myself clear, Wolfpaw?"

The apprentice lowered his head and nodded. Then he scrambled out the den quickly, not meeting any cat's eyes. Lionstar stared after Wolfpaw. That cat might be a great warrior, but what use is he if he keeps saying all these rumors about everyone? He might be the one leading to Thunderclan's downfall. But the prophecy had mentioned strangers...and Wolfpaw isn't a stranger. Is he?

He shook his head to clear his thoughts, and then turned to the two cats. "Firepaw, Thunderpaw. I apologize to you on Wolfpaw's behalf. He should not have called you names, please forgive him. I hate fighting in my clan. If he provokes you one more time, you must tell me, and I will have a word with him." Thunderpaw nodded gratefully while Firepaw just scowled.

"Fine!" He replied and stalked out the den.


Eaglewing shook her head and repeated, "No, Firepaw, its crouch, move forward, and pounce! Not crouch and pounce!" Firepaw growled in annoyance and dropped to his haunches again. He glared at the bundle of leaves a few feet away and put a paw in front of the other, and then when he felt that he was close enough, he leaped and landed squarely on the leaves, which he tore apart with his claws.

"Firepaw! Calm down! You did it right." "I can't do this! I can't hunt properly, fight properly. I can't even drop into the correct crouch! I'm such a failure! Maybe Wolfpaw was right after all! Starclan hates me!" Firepaw cried out unhappily as he put his head on his paws and sniffed. "I'm sorry, Eaglewing. You have been such a great mentor; any apprentice would be honored to have you. But I..." Firepaw trailed off as his tail thumped the ground sadly.

"I can't be a warrior. I'm not meant to be one." Eaglewing felt a pang. Am I such a failure? She wondered. As if he had read her mind, Firepaw's eyes widened and he nuzzled Eaglewing. "No! You are a great mentor! Trust me, take another apprentice. He'll be the best warrior in Thunderclan!" Eaglewing smiled forlornly and licked Firepaw's ear fondly. "Thank you, Firepaw. I'll talk to Lionstar about this, don't you worry. All right?"

Firepaw's eyes brightened and he leaped into the air and yowled, "Yes! Thank you so much Eaglewing! You are awesome!" Eaglewing smiled weakly and sighed. Her eyes shone wistfully as she led Firepaw back to the camp. His spirits were high; hers were lower than the ground.

How did this happen? And I thought he was going to be the best warrior ever. I'm sorry, Firepaw. I won't take another apprentice. I'm not mentor material. How could I make an apprentice lose interest in being a warrior?

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