Chapter 8

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Iguro walked away leaving Tanjiro there with a worried face.

Tanjiro 💭: I hope Iguro-san's okay!

Tanjiro continued walking. She decided to just head to the Headquarters where saw Giyuu, and Sanemi fighting. Tanjiro was already use to they're little sparring matches, but she was still worried that they were going to get hurt. Sanemi caught sight of Tanjiro walking over.

Sanemi: Hey shortie!

Tanjiro 💭: That's not my name...💀

Tanjiro: What Sanemi-san?

Sanemi: How about you join us this time?

Giyuu: Sanemi-

Tanjiro: Uhhh I'm not sure....

Sanemi: C'mon! Too scared??? 

Tanjiro: Not at all; let's fight Sanemi-san.

Giyuu 💭: What about me...?

Tanjiro: Don't worry Giyuu-san you can fight him after!

Giyuu: It's fine I don't need to fight him.

Giyuu decided to walk a little back, since anything can happen. He stayed because he really wanted to see Tanjiro in action again! I mean who doesn't; her blade is beautiful! Sanemi laughed while pulling out his katana, and Tanjiro pulled out hers as well while smiling at him.

Sanemi: Let's start now!

Sanemi: Wind Breathing 5th form: Black Wind Mountain Mist!

Tanjiro: Water Breathing 9th form: Splashing Water Flow.

Now Giyuu was morbidly intrigued in the match. Giyuu's barley seen Tanjiro use Water Breathing. For someone that was most likely self taught, Tanjiro did the move very fluently. Sanemi just tsked when Tanjiro blocked his move.

Sanemi 💭: Annoying little pretty brat!

Sanemi: Wind Breathing 8th form: Primary Gale Slash!

Tanjiro: Sun Breathing 4th form: Burning bones, Summer Sun.

At this point Sanemi was annoyed; Tanjiro wasn't even unleashing any attacks just blocking! Tanjiro was still smiling at Sanemi.

Tanjiro 💭: I hope he doesn't think this is a serious match...

Sanemi: HEY!

Tanjiro: Yes?


Tanjiro's smile finally faded, and she gave Sanemi a look of annoyance. Most of the time Tanjiro was super friendly, and kind, but she also had a breaking point.

Tanjiro: Last time I checked, you wanted to win?


Tanjiro: Alright than if you want!

Giyuu just looked at Sanemi now. He didn't have to be so rude.....Giyuu's never saw Tanjiro actually looked annoyed, so that was new to him.

Tanjiro: Sun Breathing 7th form: Beneficent Radiance!

Just like that Sanemi was surrounded by fire, but he was ready this time. Sanemi jumped up from the circle of fire Tanjiro created!

Sanemi: Wind Breathing 9th form: Idaten Typhoon!

Tanjiro quickly glided back avoiding the attack.

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