dlwlrma- this right now (palette, 2017)

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This is a secret

That I haven't told to anyone before

So when I tell you this story

You'll ask me with wide eyes

How, wow, wow, whatever

The truth is,

I actually flew over

From a faraway future

Past the spilling stars

Fly, fly, fly

But you know, even there

It's filled with idiots

No, what sparkles brighter is right here

Now, now, now

This day, this right now

We're dazzling, beautiful

These fireworks won't end

Oh, whatever

On cloudy days there

It was as menacingly dark as a lie

The coy sun wasn't hot at all

It was a peacock

Blue, blue, blue, whatever

Every day

I took the unruly wind

And braided it into this compass

That I found with its needle pointing to you

Oh that's you, you, yes, you

Y'know, things like that

They're just small pebbles

On the path to meet what's shining right here

Life is cool, cool, cool

We have lots of time

Maybe at this rate, we will live forever

Hello, my star

Yes, in order to see you

Ta-da! I enter elegantly

So this day, this right now

We're dazzling, beautiful

Trust me, I know for sure

Today's fireworks will never end

You know what's even more amazing?

It starts from now on

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