Chapter 38

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The pitter patter of tiny feet charging towards my door drift from reality into my dream. In my dream, they are the sound of stars landing in a green meadow dotted with white flowers. The meadow houses a tree that is perfect for sitting under with it's large branches that hang low to the ground. Some of the shooting stars get caught in the branches, making it seem like the tree is growing stars.

The stars light up the patches of grass beside them. It illuminates the scenery until there is no night. There is only light.

"Your eggs are going to turn yucky!" I am sprayed in the face with water. Shooting up into a sitting position, I see the blond haired boy standing on the foot of my bed with his new water gun in hand. He's soaking my new bed sheets.

"Knock it off!"

"Get up!"

I fling the water gun from his grasp with the flick of my hands. He scowls at me.

"That's not allowed."

We aren't supposed to use our powers unless absolutely necessary. I bend the rules every once in a while.

I throw the blanket off of me and tie my hair up into a bun which is hard to do now that the shaved area is growing back in.

"Neither is waking someone up like that!"

We come to a stand still, staring at each other through pouted expressions. Then he gets a mischievous glint in his eyes.

"Jimmy!" I warn. "Don't you dare!"

He lifts the water gun back up by the invisible string of his powers. I grab a hold of it with mine before it can fall into his hands. We're in a tug of war for it. Though I'm older and have had more experience with my powers, Jimmy is full of energy. He almost beats me. Almost.

The water gun is heavy with water in my hands. I aim it at him. "You better run!"

He flees out of my room. "Mom! Dovie is using the water gun indoors!"

The table is filled with food. It's a nice change after heating up microwave breakfast sandwiches for years on end. Leslie is on this fruits and veggies kick so there is spinach in my eggs and a side of mixed berries. Brendan is finishing up his food when he steals a blueberry from my plate.


"I would have eaten it all if you slept in any later," he says, tapping his belly. It's only been a month or so but his dad body is coming in real nice.

Brendan and Leslie came for me at the boarding school, not my mom and dad. My parents were called by the boarding school officials because they had to be or it would turn into a kidnapping situation. I didn't speak to them on the phone but it still shocked me when it was Brendan and Leslie who were waiting in the office for me.

Brendan told me that Charlie had called him when the original plan had failed. He told him everything and Brendan ended up helping to organize the new breakout plan. When my parents were notified about where I was, he drove to their house for the first time since he left. He said they could either go into a messy and costly custody battle for me or they could surrender their parental rights. They chose the latter.

I asked Leslie if he would ever want to have a son. When she answered positively, I introduced her to Jimmy. After that, she couldn't leave without him. Brendan won't stop buying him toys, hence the water gun attack this morning.

Leslie passes me an envelope from the mail over the table. "This one's addressed to you. If it's a college acceptance letter you better tell us!"

"Why? So you can bake her another cake?" Brendan shakes his head. "She's got all A's. Every college she applied to is going to accept her. You're going to give us all cavities."

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