✨~ Chapter 7: Solitary

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Lance's POV

"I'm fine, really," I gave him a reassuring smile as he sat beside me on the couch. "You sure you're gonna be okay while we're gone? We'll be out for quite a while." Kermit asked,  stroking my cheek softly. I gave him a nod and he got up to walk towards the door. "Alright, remember if anything happens, just call and we'll come home. Love you Lancey!" He said, blowing a kiss and leaving the house. And with that, I was alone. 

Hm, what could I do... I guess I could carry on with my Minecraft house. I got up and walked to my room, turning on my Xbox, getting into a hoodie and shorts and settling down in a pile of blankets and pillows. I sat there for a few hours building my house and gathering recourses before I noticed I hadn't even eaten yet and it was already 9pm. I made my way down the stairs and into the kitchen, then I rooted the cupboards for any food and eventually the fridge. I stared at the vodka bottle that belonged to Kermit. He only drinks it if he's upset and he feels way better after. It might help me. Just one shot, he wouldn't mind. 

One shot turned to two to four and then me drinking the whole bottle in one go. With every shot I took, the worse I felt, but I kept going with the hope that it'll get better. It didn't. The voices came back, getting louder with every sip. Once I realized it wasn't helping, I drank the whole bottle in frustration. I did not feel better at all. The voices were the loudest they'd ever been, I could barely see straight and my head hurt like someone was hitting me repeatedly with a hammer. I didn't feel myself at all. End the pain. End it. End it. End it. End it. End it. End it. End it. End it. End it. End it. Please IM BEGGING YOU. END IT END IT END IT END IT END IT END IT END IT END IT. 

Nobody's here to hear you cry. Why don't you end it yourself?

I heard a distinct voice from the discord of noises in my mind.

Nobody's here to save you. It's the perfect time to end your pain, is it not?

I turn my head over to the knives and slowly get up.

Nobody will care if you're dead.

I stumble over to the kitchen knives and pick up a small vegetable knife.

Nobody will even cry for you when you're gone.

"I'm done fighting with you." I say, clutching the knife tightly.

I see the slut has finally obeyed me.

And then it hit me. The voice that had been tormenting me for years...

"You like that, pup~?"

...was the voice of my rapist...

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 10, 2022 ⏰

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