Chapter Two

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Pushing open the mansion's door carefully I peered inside clenching my bat. It's just an old musty abandoned mansion, nothing scary about that. Opening the door wider I took a few steps inside as the moonlight gleamed into the house. My face scrunched up in disgust as I saw the horrible state this place was in.

An open pizza box on a table was being feasted on by rats and roaches, who soon ran off at the first sight of me. Empty soda and beer cans were all over the floor ants covering only a few of them. The smell is really what almost made me gag, you could really tell that these so-called men did not know how to clean up after themselves in the slightest.

"Come on," Slenderman said as he appeared right next to me causing me to nearly jump out of my skin. "Jesus christ give a girl a warning when you are gonna do that! And what's with this place is disgusting! Do your boys not know what the definition of a trash can is? Or can you not clean up this place a little with your demonic powers?" I asked, holding my nose and pretending to vomit. Slenderman walked in front of me,the floorboards creaking under him. "This place isn't a five star hotel but if it really bothers you maybe that will be your first task here, if you keep complaining" His voice was a deep threatening growl. I shuttered ugh I don't know what's a scary thought cleaning up this place or Slenderman ripping me in half because I didn't.

"I'd rather not" I said simply as I avoided stepping on what looked to be a rioting gutted rat. Slenderman paused suddenly which made me almost crash into his long legs. "Huh?" I looked up at him as he raised one hand and snapped his fingers. In almost an instant the room was lit up by candles, and old light fixtures. Now I could see the true horror of the room better now.

Dry blood and organs were everywhere, from the walls to the floor to even the ceiling. Some of the old wall paper was peeling off the walls revealing how deep the blood had stained the insides. Don't even wanna mention how quickly the roaches that were hidden in the dark also took off running to hide in the floors and in the furniture

"You know what I might take you up on that offer" I said curling my upper lip and narrowing my eyes.

"Burning down the house isn't an option by the way" a husky voice spoke as the stairs creaked loudly. Peering around Slenderman a guy with orange goggles and a grey mask covering most of his face add his way down the stairs. He wore a dark jacket with a blue hoodie over his head with his hands tucked into the jacket's pockets. Following behind him I could see two more figures. A tall guy in a dirty and torn pale yellow hoodie which was draped almost completely over his head. I couldn't see any of his face, not a nose, a mouth or even a chin, it was just a black void. Behind that creature cause me to groan in annoyance "Aw fuck you didn't tell me this dick bag was with you too". The white masked asshole tilted his head before he leaped on the stair's railing and jumped off like a rabid crackhead.

"Oooo Isn't it good to see you again sweetheart" His voice came off mostly as a rasp making me crinkle my nose in disgust. "You telling me this Michael Myers wanna be is one of your guys?" I asked, looking up at Slenderman's white head that seemed to slouch a bit as he answered "Yes... I was unaware you and Masky had already met".

I scoffed and cracked my neck stepping to the side to glare at the tall bitch. "Yeah I guess you could say we had bumped heads during one kill. This loser is the reason why I came to you for help with a busted shoulder and six stab wounds in the back." I sneered at the memory of my left arm tingling a bit. Masky laughed like a hyena creeping towards me, his head still tilted to one side "Oh come on. Didn't we have so much fun together? I just wanted a little fight in my prey, I had no idea you were the little pup that Slenderman was talking about recruiting. Forgive and forget m'kay?" He stuck his hand out towards me and I rolled my eyes "Forgive but never forget" I said using my bad to push his hand away from me "But forget about me ever shaking the hand that you beat your dick with"

"Oh well I actually use both hands, sometimes even those's who I cut off-", He begins but the first guy in the orange goggles swiftly smacks him in the back of his head. " T-TMI Dude. T-The boss is in front of you" he said with a slight stutter. Masky giggled again rubbing the back of his head "My bad". Mask then took a few steps back to look up at Slenderman who might as well had just been a lamp post over all of us.

"This is X virus" He begins raising his hand to dangle his finger above me, "She will be our new Proxy, replacing he who shall not be named."

"He's talking about Jeffrey" Masky snickered, earning him a hard shove from the hooded figure and a shush.

Ah makes sense now why he gave me a little extra time to complete my assignment. He needs someone to come clean up after a rogue member. Mentally I face palmed and clenched my bat a little harder in my fist.

"These are my servants of death you will be working with: Hoodie, Masky, and Toby" Slenderman finished pointing to each of them. Hoodie nodded to me while Masky wiggled each of his fingers at me. Dear lord, I really have to work with the mother fucker don't I? I thought slowly starting to regret my choice in who I followed.

"You can call me Virus for short-" I said as I pulled down my goggles to my neck.

"Oh how edgy, kinda hot" Masky snickered as he ran his fingers through his messy brown hair. I frowned at him and looked up at slenderman "Is he always like this?" Slenderman slowly walked behind Masky placing a hand on his head like a dog. "Masky... Is a young man like the other two. They don't get a chance to keep a female as a pet for long."Slenderman said, taking his hand off Masky who turned to look back at him.

"As a pet?" I asked, raising a brow as my arm tensed up. "They have desires that I do not understand... and it is none of my business to try to. I promise however that neither of them will lay a hand on you. If they do, I will flay the flesh off their worthless corpses." Slenderman promised as his hand gripped Mask's head causing the guy to groan and quickly grab his hand "Alright damnI was just fucking around no need to pop my head off" He hissed in pain.

I grinned, swinging my bat to rest on my shoulder. "How nice of you think you need to protect me, master" I tilted my head looking over the three boys then back up at Slenderman. "I appreciate the gesture but I believe I can defend myself."

"Of course" he agreed, releasing Masky and straightening up his posture. "As of now I have somewhere to be. Toby, I am giving you the task to show Virus to her room."

Toby nodded "Yes Master"

And like that Slenderman was gone within a blink of an eye and the four of us were alone together. "This way" Toby said, turning and heading back to the stairs. I avoided the trash on the floor while giving Masky the finger which he kindly returned back.

Reaching the top of the stairs the hallway was a lot clearer than the entrance room which was a relief. However, that didn't mean my room was going to be any clean.

Opening a cracked up dark red door: which Toby had to use his shoulder to just get it loose enough to open. Stepping aside to allow me to go in first "What a gentlemen." I said sarcastically not getting a reaction from his bored face.

The room was clean enough, despite the spider webs that hung from the window and the corners of the room. "Y'all really should invest in an exterminator or something" I said walking in and looking out the window seeing the full moon over the trees. "Well it's not easy to get those out in the middle of nowhere in a mansion. Not to mention without getting caught." Toby responded as he walked in behind me and slammed the door closed with a click which I could only assume was the lock.

"Why are you here anyway?" He asked, pressing his back against the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 26, 2021 ⏰

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