L.E.H 11

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private messages between polo and tjay 

Sircapalot: Tell the truth 

liltjay: What do you mean? 

Sircapalot: You know what i mean how long you been interested in ty 

liltjay: We started talking outside the chat and things happened

Sircapalot: Uh huh well kentrell is mad that your dating ty 

liltjay: Let him be mad his feelings have nothing to do with my relationship 

Sircapalot: It does when his crush is on the person your dating 

liltjay: Let me ask you why do you care so much about kentrell's feelings

Sircapalot: I don't i'm just saying that kentrell is crazy he'll kill you i'm just trying to save you 

liltjay: So you care about me? 

Sircapalot: Don't let it get to yo head i'm just saying but if you wanna risk yo life it's fine by me

liltjay: If i didn't know any better i'd think you were jealous

Sircapalot: Jealous? of what? You and ty? Keep dreaming 

liltjay: You sure are acting like it i have been chasing you since forever then when i get with someone you wanna act like this 

Sircapalot: See now you making me mad i never said i wanted you or none of that! I was just saying that kentrell likes ty that's it. So don't put words in my mouth 

liltjay: It's sad how you lie 

Sircapalot: I'm done with this conversation i have more important things to do 

liltjay: i have important things to do to with ty 

Sircapalot: Go ahead then! Get it through your head i don't want you and never will so be with whoever you want 

liltjay: Like i said one day you finna realize you love me and when you do i'll be here 

Sircapalot: You have a boyfriend so stop. Tione i will always love you but i'm not in love with you 

liltjay: You aren't in love with me remember behind the scenes of headshot

Sircapalot: I told you the kiss was a accident it was just the heat of the moment it didn't mean anything 

liltjay: Well it meant something to me. Taurus when i'm around you my heart skips a beat and when you smile to me it's the best thing in the world. Your laugh is my favorite sound in the whole world. I'm not afraid to admit that i'm in love and have been since i met you.

 Sircapalot: T-tione i can't do this. I have to go and like you said you have things to do with ty your BOYFRIEND! 

liltjay: Whatever polo i'm gone. Just now no matter what my heart belongs to you. I don't know what's gonna between me and ty but just now for now you still have my heart

Ty will admit his feeling to kentrell soon. 

Do you think polo feels the same way?

Should i add more love or drama? 

Other than that hope you enjoyed

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