Nostalgic Dreams and Morning Revelations

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"It was 5 am, in Cerise Laboratory situated in Vermillion City, Kanto region where one trainer has experienced a nostalgic dream."

***: Hey, everyone!

*****: Oh hey, Ash, welcome back.

***: What took you so long, bro?

Ash: Mom forgot to wake me up early.

*****: Did you mean you woke up late, Ash?

"The others laughed."

Ash: *Angrily blushing* Mom!

*** & *****: *Laughing* Damn, Ash, never knew you woke up so early.

Ash: Forget about that. Where's-

******: *Shuttering* I'm... here, Ash.

Ash: Hey there, how are you?

******: *Blushing* I'm... good. And you?

Ash: I'm doing fantastic. Let's play, everyone!

"Suddenly, a picture popped up."

Ash's conscience: Damn, I miss this so much, and Serena looks so cute while blushing

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Ash's conscience: Damn, I miss this so much, and Serena looks so cute while blushing. Cute?

"He starts thinking about what he said."

Ash's conscience: Thinking about it, I recently started getting weird feelings about Serena... Wait a minute, is that Goh and Chloe? They sure look like them.

"Suddenly, the boy spoke up."

***: I want to catch that Pokémon I saw that day.

*****: Which one, the one that changed to a Nidoking?

***: Yeah, that Pokémon.

*****: You're crazy. I have never heard of that type of Pokémon.

***: You may not have, but I'm sure it's out there, and I will catch it.

Ash's conscience: Yeah, that's definitely Goh and Chloe.

"Suddenly, the scene shifted to the last day."

Prof Oak: I hereby announce that the Pokémon Summer camp has come to an end. I thank every student and parent for attending this program.

Ash: I guess this is it, everyone.

Goh & Chloe: Yeah, it was great fun.

Serena: *Blushing*, *while stuttering * Yeah, it was fun... especially with you... As-

Serena's Mom: Honey, it's time to go.

Serena: *Sad *Coming... Bye, everyone.

Goh & Chloe: Bye-bye.

Ash: *Sad* Bye, honey.

Ash's conscience: I never asked her name, but why am I getting sad about that?

"Suddenly, Ash wakes up."

Ash: It brings back memories, but why did I feel sad about Serena leaving?

"After a while of thinking, he suddenly remembers what his father-figure told him."

Prof Kukui: You know, Ash, I think I'm in love with Professor Burnet.

Ash: Love? You're, of course, in love with her.

Prof Kukui: What do you mean?

Ash: She's your friend and colleague; it's in it.

Prof Kukui: *Realized what he meant* Oh no, not that love.

Ash: Huh, there is another type of love?

Prof Kukui: Yes, Ash. It's the type of love where once you see her, you cannot stop thinking about her and feel weird in your stomach.

Ash: Oh, really.

Prof Kukui: Yeah... Well, we better get going.

"Suddenly, Ash shouts."

Ash: That's it!

"The shout manages to wake both Goh and Pikachu, followed by a Thunderbolt on him."

Goh: Huh, Ash, what's going on?

Ash: *Realizes what he did *Oh, I'm sorry, Pikachu, Goh. I just remembered something.

Goh: It's fine; I'm going back to sleep.

Ash: *Remembers his dream* Oh, wait, Goh.

Goh: Huh, now what???

Ash: Do you remember going to a Pokémon Summer camp three years ago?

Goh: Yeah, how do you know about tha-*Remembers* Wait a minute, that means you're the Ash from the summer camp.

Ash: Yup, that's me.

Goh: Guess Chloe was right the whole time.

Ash: What do you mean???

Goh: The day you arrived here, Chloe told me that you looked exactly like the Ash from the summer camp, and now I will have to pay her tomorrow as I lost the bet.

Ash: She still remembers me from the summer camp, damn.

Goh: Yeah, she does. Now let's go back to sleep and tell her in the morning.

Ash: Yeah, good ni- I mean, morning, Goh.

Goh: *Laughs *Good morning, Ash.

"Our heroes drift off to sleep, with huge smiles on their faces."


Well, that's the first chapter of this book. Feel free to correct me in any chapter, as this is the first time I'm writing a fanfiction.

See you in the next chapter.


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