Happy 17th Birthday, Rowan!

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The date was June 26th, 2021. Let's see what's happening in Negi Root City today. Rowan Martin (Running Miku) was outside, doing her little morning jog. She had a water bottle with her, just in case she gets thirsty on the way. All of a sudden, she caught a glimpse of her boyfriend Pierce Davenport (KeepxOut #2)'s house.

Running Miku: Maybe I should pay Pierce a visit.

She walked up to the front door and knocked. Pierce answered it.

KeepxOut #2: Hey, Rowan!

He hugged her.

Running Miku: Hi, Pierce. I'm out on my morning jog right now.

KeepxOut #2: Do you need a jogging buddy? I could use the exercise.

Running Miku: Okay.

KeepxOut #2: Cool. Just let me get my shoes.

He closed the door and came out again with more appropriate shoes on his feet.

Running Miku: Let's go!

After another 10 minutes of jogging, Rowan and Pierce were now taking a break.

KeepxOut #2: By the way, according to the module info book, it said that your birthday is today. So, happy birthday.

Running Miku: Do you mind repeating that? Sorry, curse these weak ears of mine.

KeepxOut #2: No, you're fine. I said "happy birthday".

Running Miku: Oh, thank you, Pierce.

And so, after their break was over, Pierce and Rowan jogged back home.

And that's it for this birthday one-shot. Happy birthday, Running Miku. I'll see you guys in the next story!

Running Miku's BirthdayWhere stories live. Discover now