Chapter 1- Starting Over

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The war has ended. Harry and Ginny have come to visit their friends Ron and Hermione. Ron had a specialty of of making tea, and so Harry and Ginny wanted to see how he failed. (Ron was looking for a talent.) Hermione, however was outside in the garden, feeling depressed. She had a feeling that something was... and suddenly she tripped over something and fell into the fresh Spring grass. "Ouch" she says. Hermione went to see what she tripped over. She found that it was a...stone. She observed the stone carefully. A lightbulb went off in her head. "Eureka" she said "This was the Time Wish Stone". Hermione had read about in the Hogwarts Library. She recalled that the stone had the power to change time with certain circumstances... But she knew there was more because the page was ripped. Meanwhile, in the kitchen Ron had created a disaster with the tea. " Ron, why in the world would you do this!?" said Harry. " Well I was trying to impress Hermione because she has been so depressed lately." said Ron. " We could have helped you, Dumbo." said Ginny. "Sorry Sis." said Ron "I knew we should stayed there." said Harry to Ginny. They clean up the mess. Hermione suddenly rushes in. She tells Ron to take the guests downstairs to watch a movie. " But be quiet Ron, the kids are probably sleeping." ( P.S, For your information the kids were up playing Wizard Chess and Cards, a set that their Uncle Harry and their father (Ron) used to play with back in Hogwarts.) Ron obeyed and took Harry and Ginny downstairs to watch a movie. Hemione was distracted, the only thing that she could think of was the...stone. " hmmm." She thought to herself. " I think I'll make some snacks." 15 minutes later. Hermione came down to watch the movie. The next morning Hermione came down early in the morning to drink her early morning tea and do yoga. Hermione had finally made her decision, she is going to tell Harry, Ginny, and Ron, and together they are going to beat the past. As soon as she told them, they were so surprised and excited at the same time(for once) that they rushed upstairs to pack. They told the Time Wish Stone where they wanted to go. And all of a sudden, SWOOSH!!!!, they disappeared.
A/N: They took the children with them.


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