New Sparks: If I was Going to Die, This was the Last Thing I Wanted to Do

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heyy warning this may be a super cringey story for the large amount of normal people out there, but i'm still publishing it cuz why not. Idrc if its weird cuz i like it and i'll do what I like so here you go consider yourself warned :p

Zoe's POV

My name is Zoe Jackson. I'm a sixteen-year-old legacy, which means I'm the daughter of two demigods. Right now, I was on my bed in the middle of the night at Camp Half-Blood. I stared at the low wooden ceiling above me, and thought about a million things at once. What I would do the next day, what my parents, Percy and Annabeth, were up to right now at home, sword fighting, beaches, school, the Lava wall, my friends, Ember, Aiden, Hannah, Sammy, and random nonsense. Oh, and Jasper. Jazzy was my best friend since, well, forever. No, scratch that, he was more than a friend. I mean, not in that way, but he was really close to me. Okay, maaaaybe a little in that way.

That gave me an idea. I turned on my lamp and slipped out of bed. I fixed my wavy blonde hair, so it didn't look entirely like a rat's nest. I changed into some black shorts and threw on one of my dad's old jackets over my white tank top. I slowly creaked open the cabin door, careful not to attract the attention of the harpies. I sneaked over to the Zeus cabin, and opened the door. Nobody was inside, except for Jasper, of course. Other than him, his dad, Jason, or his aunt, Thalia, would use the cabin if they were here, but they weren't. Jasper was passed out on the single bed in the middle of the room, snoring lightly. Apparently, the Zeus cabin hadn't gotten a bunk yet. His lips were parted slightly, his dark, mahogany hair tousled, as usual. Ugh. He did look sort of cute. Gods, did I just admit that?

I rubbed his arm, which was warm as always, sending little electric shocks through my fingertips. His deep tan skin was washed in moonlight from the window.

'Jazzy?' I whispered. He groaned lightly and rolled over, facing me, his eyes half open. They were an unnatural, yet captivating shade of electric blue, like his aunt, Thalia's, and they seemed to stare straight into my soul through my sea-green ones.

'Zoe, go to sleep.' He groaned, his voice weaved with husky undertones. I immediately felt my eyelids growing heavy. In a minute, I'd falled asleep on the bed next to Jasper.

        *TIME SKIP*

I woke up and blinked my eyes. It was still dark outside, around midnight. I wasn't in my cabin. I was in the Zeus cabin. Oh, right. Jasper had put me to sleep with his charmspeak. He was still snoring beside me, facing me. I climbed out of the bed and smirked. I gently shook Jazzy's shoulder. He groaned, again, an annoyed expression flashing his features. He grumbled a curse, turning around, so his back faced me. 

'Jazzy, c'mon. You aren't seriously going to sleep now, are you?' Jasper faced me, blinking his eyes. 

'Ugh, what do you want?' He asked me, irritated. He hates it when people disturb him when he's getting his "beauty sleep." 

'I'm bored.' I simply stated. I watched as Jasper stretched and sat up.

'You woke me up,' He said, 'to say that?'

I chuckled. 'Yeah.'

'Why are you even awake?'

'I came here abput an hour ago. Then you told me to sleep. Curse your charmspeak.' I explained. 'Then I woke up here, and I want you to entertain me.' He rolled his eyes and sighed. 

'How about I sing you a lullaby, and I can go back to sleep.' He suggested, his voice dripping with sarcasm.


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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10, 2021 ⏰

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