Prologue - pftt! Zombies?

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Nightmare's perspective

I was sat infront of my newly polished desk and awaited my brother, dream, to bring up hot coffee. It wasn't a normal day because everyone had finally put their heads down and got on with their jobs, I was very grateful for that but it still was rather suspicious.

"Got it, brother! Which one do you want?" Dream burst into the room, leaning his back on the door to throw it open as his hands were full of fresh cups of coffee, two in total. He turned towards me and allowed the door to fall back into its plain frame. Dream flashed a disgustingly positive smile my way and walked to stand just by my occupied chair. I glared back at him even though I had to keep him around, he had the coffee machine.

I open my hand for either one, not minding if it was filled to the brim with milk instead - Dream was known to have not-so-strong coffee. He passed me the bigger cup after inspecting both. I roll my eyes and take a careful sip, it was still boiling hot.

"So?" Dream wonders leaning against a pile of neatly stacked paper, I flick his shoulder to get him off the stack and look up to him rather confused. I had to ask him to talk, didn't I?

"What?" I ask back, grumbling at my burnt tongue.

"You read the news yet?" Dream questioned, finding something else to lean on.

I find a way to glare at him even more and chuckle, "you think I take up time to hear about the weather? I know what's gonna happen, it'll rain or storm and I am prepared for either. Unless you're suggesting I'm intrigued by others perfect lives, just to break it to you, I am not."

Dream was still smiling, this time he was leaning beside the desk upon the decorated wall and was trying to blow his coffee cooler. Was he gonna speak or was I just going to bore myself with asking him to talk?

The answer is he was going to speak, I don't care for his word and I would never ask for him to speak or else he would be blabbing on all day. That would be a nightmare, no pun intended.

"Well!" Dream finally starts after the long pause, "they put my favourite song on, then the news reader said it was a shout out to me, from cross! Don't you think that's sweet?"

I scoff, just for a shout out from cross? He mustn't be serious, cross isn't worth that much excitement especially if it gets dream to come to me to talk about it. He should've gone to blue.

"No, I don't. Was that all you needed?" I growl, dream looks down at his golden trainers.

His style wasn't the best but that's my opinion. It mainly consisted of golds and bright yellows, he normally wore light trainers, baggy grey jeans, a long not-so-baggy t-shirt and sometimes he wears the occasional jacket. Dream normally wears many badges that were either full rainbows, random charities he signed or just quotes that were positive. He has light short blonde hair that falls over his ears and sometime his face, dark golden eyes and no piercings whatsoever.

Literally that complete opposite to me.

I have long black hair that falls over my face if I look down, purple eyes that shine in the dark and many piercings in my ear. I normally wear longish shorts, big black boots and always a black with hints of dark green jacket.

"Ugh..." I groan, flicking my hair back as I spin round towards him. I might of hated dream with everything but I didn't enjoy him whining about me being 'mean' to anyone. I am not mean, I am realistic and bored, totally different things.

"Look, why not you go to blue. He'll be intrigued, you're always telling him about everything and I've seen you guys squealing about many, many things." I offer. Dream looks up, smiles and walks off with his now cooled down coffee.

Not my problem anymore, which is good. I take the time to enjoy the silence of nobody coming to irritate me for lacking seconds. I really need more than a couple of seconds like that, nobody around.

"Knock, knock." A voice comes as they knock on the door. Their voice was familiar, hints of a smile definitely showed in the voice and he was waiting for me to reply with 'who's there?'. His knock knock jokes are terrible, I have yet to find anything worst.

"Come in." I show a small smile, never ever giving him the satisfaction.

He walks in, still smiling I admire the fact that he will never really gets bored of my insults but i hate the fact that he doesn't react to them. His steps make small clicks as the heels on his big brown boots fall onto the stone floor, rather gracefully I must admit. He stops just by my seat and leans his trouser leg on the right arm rest.

"Good morning nightmare!" He smiles towards me. I hum in response, I atleast noticed his existence, and spun the chair to knock him off.

"Do you need anything?" I inquired, going back to my coffee. It should've cooled down by now.

He smiles and kneels down next to my chair, leaning against the desks set of drawers. I lean back on my chair and take slow wary sips, observing his rather tired figure.

"Well, I've finished everything you asked of me and I noticed that dust still hasn't come back into the office." He verified to me, he was focused on the door as if Dust was going to walk in.

I wondered, "what happened to him anyway?"

He shrugs, his dark brown almost black hair falling infront of his dark blue eyes. His eyes were almost black aswell but when looking into them for a while there will be hints of dark blue. He didn't bother to move his short hair from his rather interesting eyes.

"He's just been in a coma. The doctors said it wasn't for life but it was caused by just a cold that made him very uncommunicative." He says rather sucked into negative thoughts.

"Huh... Dream was like that a couple of days ago." I added, he looks up to me and laughs. Did he think I care for dream?

"Oh hush, killer!" I growl at him, blushing from embarrassment.

"Pffttt! What do you think they're..." killer thinks for a moment, "I dunno! Zombies?"

He chuckles before standing up and imitating an unresponsive zombie limping towards me, "brainzzz!!! Arrhh."

I chuckle at his bad acting and batted his spread arms that reached towards me.

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