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Mikki De'lucca

"I've been knocking on your door for 15 minutes straight!.. Wow, you sleep like the dead!" She quips, taking a seat at the end of your bed..

When she looks up to see the unamused grimace on your face she purses her lips before backtracking.. "Oh, forgive me.. Poor choice of words.."

"What is that supposed to mean?" You shake your head at her, untwisting the oversized black t-shirt you'd worn to bed, as she begins to set herself up to work, opening her laptop beside her and flicking through a stack of papers in her lap..

"I would think that's obvious.." She doesn't look up from her documents..

"Hmmph.. Sorry, maybe it's these new medications they've got me on.. I don't exactly feel like myself.." You mumble, crossing back to the nightstand to guzzle from the glass of water set there... "But it seems like you've got a problem with me.. "

"Yes, I'm sure it does, Ms De'lucca.." She utters distractedly with entirely too much judgement in her tone..

Your head aches and you want more than anything to go back to sleep.. "Seriously?.. I told you, just call me, Mikki.. And while you're at it, if you have something to say to me, just say it! I feel like you've had a stick up your ass since I was released from the hospital.. If you hate me so much, why are you even here?! Why did you take this case?"

She finally glances up at you.. "I don't know what you're talking about."

You point an accusing finger at her.. "Don't even bother with the gaslighting, girl.. If you have a problem we might as well get it all out now, because I don't need all this shade you're throwing my way.."

There is a strained silence as she takes you in.. You feel like a disaster under her unreadable stare.. She is all poise and polish.. You however are a frazzled mess, and you hate that she makes you feel inferior to her perfection..

"You don't know who I am.. Do you?" Her pretty face tips to one side curiously..

You wave emphatically.. "I have to no fucking idea.. You're the Assistant DA? Should I know more?"

She puts her papers aside.. "No.. You're quite right.. I'm the Assistant DA, and I'm only here because Kirby Paxton is my boss and she personally requested my presence.. You'll have to forgive my caution to make friends, Mikki, but I am much more used to sitting on the other side of things.. Putting criminals behind bars.. Not helping to escape them.. "

Your mouth falls open.. "Oh.. Am I the criminal in this instance?" The hypocrisy humours you in an infuriating kind of way..

She shrugs a dainty shoulder beneath her tailored navy blazer.. "It doesn't really matter.. You claim not to be, so--"

"If you don't want to help me, I can find another Lawyer.." You snap..

"Who you would then pay for with what, your father's blood money? Let's be realistic here, you don't exactly have a lot of options.." As a dry unapologetic smile crosses her peachy lips, you get the distinct sense that she doesn't want to be in your company any more than you want her in yours..

You seethe angrily inside, chewing on the inside of your cheek.. If she wants to treat you like a mafia threat, then that is how you will behave.. You've had enough of her, her salty smile and sideways swipes anyway.. "Then I think it would be best if we do this another time, Lemon.. I'm not in the mood to be shit on by the likes of your snide uppity ass.. You should go.. Who knows what might happen if you don't.."

The Colt & The Cobra - THE SPECTER SERIES [book six]Where stories live. Discover now