Character Info:

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Character Info:

Straight Caramel Brown Hair, Big Bright Blue Eyes, Glasses, Skinny, Short, Bold Style, and Very Intelligent

Character: Cadeson Deeley

Age: 17

School: Ellwood High School-Senior Year

Past Relationship Info: Dated Walker Emton. We were best friends for a couple months when we both had seemed to develop feelings for each other, or so I thought he had feelings towards me. Supposedly he had liked me at first but then stopped liking me in the middle of our relationship. He told everyone that he was dating me to mess with me and everyone thought it was funny so no one told me. By this time I was in love, like head over heels in love, and Walker knew it too. He decided to keep sparing my feelings and keep dating me, while he went along and dated another girl. When I had confronted him about it he flat out told me that he was cheating on me, like REALLY!!! So then he started telling me how he had to dump me because he really was dating me to spare my feelings because I am a total loser with no life. After that I cried for days, and sometimes I still cry. Now that ignorant jerk I used to call my best friend doesn't talk to me because apparently I embarrass him because we dated and he's ashamed to associate with me. Then everyday at school everyone would laugh at me for thinking i had a chance with a boy and failing. I am still bullied for many things now.

Friends: Ryan Carling, Lansin Karp, and Dylan Carter

Trustworthy Friend: Dylan Carter

Family: Dad, and Brother (Both Overly Protective)

Likes: Books, Wattpad, Painting, Drawing, Eating Food, Writing, Watching Netflix, etc.

Dislikes: Walker Emton, School, Homework, Being Bullied\Teased, Healthy Food, People Who Think Just Because They Watch The Movie They Know Everything About It

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