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No. It couldn't be happening again.

You're sat in the middle of the meadow filled with wild flowers that give off the most amazing scent, a scent that reminds you of home. However as you look around you, the ground is scorched and black. The last thing you remember is arguing with your Dad about wanting to be allowed to be a normal 21 year old and make friends, go to bars, fall in love with the wrong guy, all the things you've longed for your whole life. Now you're sat in a field not knowing how you got there or what happened. Taking a deep breath you stand on wobbly legs, you need to get back to the house and make sure you haven't hurt anyone. One step at a time you make the short walk back.

In the distance you see the small rustic cabin that has been your home since your mum died. You remember your Dad wanted to raise you somewhere remote where no one would know you existed, he said it would keep you safe.
On shaky legs you carry on walking happy to see you hadn't half destroyed it this time.
"Dad?" You shout hoping you haven't hurt him, you can't stop your legs from shaking and you trip landing in the dirt. Thinking the worst you feel tears building up and your hands start to spark the energy willing you to let it out.
"Kiddo? Is that you?!" You hear your Dad shouting from inside. Lifting your head you look up as he comes running down the path, the closer he gets the more you're able to pull your energy back inside you.
As Clint reaches your side you're shaking, he pulls you into a big hug, his scent surrounding you, his arms like a big security blanket all around.
"What happened?" You ask, not for the first time.
"We argued, you could feel your power growing. Then I stepped towards you but you gave me a small shock to keep me back, then you ran saying you didn't want to hurt me." The pride in his eyes makes you feel sick.
"So even by not wanting to hurt you, I hurt you anyway. I'm sick of this Dad! I want to be normal!" It's not until you feel the teardrops on your cheeks do you realise you're crying.
"If I could take the pain away, give you a normal life y/n, I would do it in a heartbeat. I'd take it all but I can't. What I can do however, is take you somewhere so that you can learn to control it"
You don't understand, you've always been alone out here to keep you and everyone else safe, now he wants to take you somewhere else. You're scared but excited, it's what you've always wanted, to be around other people. Now it's looking like that dream might become a reality. So why do you feel so anxious and scared?
"What are you saying Dad?"
You can see the conflict in his eyes as he pulls away to look at you. "I'm saying it's time we left our cabin and moved into the compound in the city. Wanda can help you to control your powers, Steve and Bucky can help you train in combat. I've kept you safe as long as I can, it's time we ask for some help"

It was 3 days later after you'd finally packed up everything that you're sitting in the meadow again. As much as you're glad to be finally leaving you can't help but feel sad, you'll miss this place.

As you're sitting soaking in the sun you hear footsteps behind you. Without looking you know it's your Dad, feeling a little bit mischievous you use a little bit of your powers to grab his foot and trip him over as he gets next to you.
Smirking you turn to him, "You should watch where you're walking."
He just shakes his head and pulls you in for a hug. "So, you ready to go kiddo?"
Leaning into him you sigh. "Yes and no, I'm happy to be going somewhere I might end up having some form of a normal life, but this place is my home. I'll miss the meadow and the flowers."
"I know it's a big change but I know you'll make the best of it. Besides you'll get to see your old Dad in action being a hero." He nudges your shoulder and you smile at him. "Come on, we need to get going. Stark will have a fit if we're late."
Pulling you up from the ground, you walk back to the cabin tucked under his arm.

When you get back you see the car waiting for you. Climbing in you take one last look around, with a sad smile you get into the car ready to start the chapter of your life.

Uncharted Powers (A Loki/Avengers FanFiction)Where stories live. Discover now